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 intendant [ɪn'tɛndənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 监督官, 地方行政长官

[经] 管理员, 监督机

    Intendant \In*tend"ant\, n. [F. intendant, fr. L. intendere to
    direct (one's thoughts) to a thing. See {Intend}.]
    One who has the charge, direction, or management of some
    public business; a superintendent; as, an intendant of
    marine; an intendant of finance.

    Intendant \In*tend"ant\, a. [See {Intend}.]
    Attentive. [Obs.]

    1. A year after Peter Jonas's arrival as intendant, the English invasion of the Bavarian State Opera continues with a new production of Mozart's 'Don Giovanni', opening tonight.
    2. Instead, it is battling for survival. The Deutsche Oper's long-established intendant, Gotz Friedrich, and the new leadership at the Staatsoper are trying to play down the rivalry.
    3. Any new intendant would have found it hard to follow Karajan, but Mortier had it particularly tough because he was so direct and provocative.
    4. One of the most perceptive remarks came from Christoph von Dohnanyi, a former intendant in Frankfurt and Hamburg and now chief conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra: 'Hard times can also be healthy times.
    5. Un ballo in maschera, the first production at the Bavarian State Opera to bear his imprint as intendant, is leadenly conducted and dramatically inert.
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