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 intended [ɪn'tɛndɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有意的, 故意的

n. 未婚夫(妻)

[法] 故意的, 有意的, 有计划的

    [ adj ]
    1. resulting from one's intentions

    2. <adj.all>
      your intended trip abroad
      an intended insult
    3. future; betrothed

    4. <adj.all>
      his intended bride

    Intend \In*tend"\ ([i^]n*t[e^]nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Intended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Intending}.] [OE. entenden to be
    attentive, F. entendre, fr. L. intendre, intentum, and
    intensum, to intend, attend, stretch out, extend; pref. in-
    in + tendere to stretch, stretch out. See {Tend}.]
    1. To stretch; to extend; to distend. [Obs.]

    By this the lungs are intended or remitted. --Sir M.

    2. To strain; to make tense. [Obs.]

    When a bow is successively intended and remedied.

    3. To intensify; to strengthen. [Obs.] --Sir T. Browne.

    Magnetism may be intended and remitted. --Sir I.

    4. To apply with energy.

    Let him intend his mind, without respite, without
    rest, in one direction. --Emerson.

    5. To bend or turn; to direct, as one's course or journey.
    [Archaic] --Shak.

    6. To fix the mind on; to attend to; to take care of; to
    superintend; to regard. [Obs.]

    Having no children, she did, with singular care and
    tenderness, intend the education of Philip. --Bacon.

    My soul, not being able to intend two things at
    once, abated of its fervency in praying. --Fuller.

    7. To fix the mind upon (something to be accomplished); to be
    intent upon; to mean; to design; to plan; to purpose; --
    often followed by an infinitely with to, or a dependent
    clause with that; as, he intends to go; he intends that
    she shall remain.

    They intended evil against thee. --Ps. xxi. 11.

    To-morrow he intends
    To hunt the boar with certain of his friends.

    8. To design mechanically or artistically; to fashion; to
    mold. [Obs.]

    Modesty was made
    When she was first intended. --Beau. & Fl.

    9. To pretend; to counterfeit; to simulate. [Obs.]

    Intend a kind of zeal both to the prince and
    Claudio. --Shak.

    Syn: To purpose; mean; design; plan; conceive; contemplate.

    Intended \In*tend"ed\, a.
    1. Made tense; stretched out; extended; forcible; violent.
    [Obs.] --Spenser.

    2. Purposed; designed; as, intended harm or help.

    They drew a curse from an intended good. --Cowper.

    3. Betrothed; affianced; as, an intended husband.

    Intended \In*tend"ed\, n.
    One with whom marriage is designed; one who is betrothed; an
    affianced lover.

    If it were not that I might appear to disparage his
    intended, . . . I would add that to me she seems to be
    throwing herself away. --Dickens.

    1. The credit agreement, the largest negotiated by the oil refiner and marketer, is mainly intended to meet the financing needs of Quaker State's Minit-Lube unit, a chain of fast-lubrication service outlets.
    2. Pakistan has diverted for its own use millions of dollars of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles intended for U.S.-backed Afghan rebels, United Press International quoted intelligence sources as saying.
    3. The commission's plan is intended to form the basis for an in-depth discussion of monetary union by EC finance ministers Sept. 7 and 8 in Rome.
    4. Even if the application for observer status is approved this week, the Soviet Union would not be privy to the so-called Uruguay Round of talks, intended to draw up comprehensive new agreements to liberalize trade in areas such as agriculture and textiles.
    5. What was intended to be a simple gesture of international friendship has turned into a source of embarrassment for Missouri highway and economic development officials.
    6. Clark testified he never intended to deceive anyone with his expense filings.
    7. As previously reported, KKR has offered $90 a share in cash for 87% of RJR's stock, plus securities with an intended face value of $90 a share for the remaining 13%.
    8. Kirkham said he never intended to run the business illegally. But his struggling operation was derailed when the sand-hauling truck he used to subsidize the fledgling waste-hauling business was wrecked.
    9. In speaking of the Queen as a foreigner, Mr Keating clearly intended to make a small gesture towards Australian nationalism.
    10. Forming an independent board is intended to reduce Freddie Mac's sensitivity to politics and increase its sensitivity to shareholders, who will elect 13 members.
    11. "I never intended to perpetrate a ruse.
    12. Danielsson's 330-ton corvette is armed with artillery and depth charges that could sink a sub, but much of its weaponry is intended to punch holes in the hull of a sub and force it to the surface, rather than destroy it.
    13. Bond's decision to separate himself from his company was intended to entice bondholders to approve these steps, Lucas said.
    14. The archbishop persuaded the youths to call off a planned march from a high school to a police station, where they intended to demand the release of several students and teachers detained in recent weeks.
    15. No notification was ever considered, officials said, apparently because the U.S. didn't think the coup plotters intended to kill Mr. Noriega, but merely sought to imprison him.
    16. Analysts have speculated that his offer was intended to flush out other bidders for Texaco.
    17. The ACLU states that its leaders "make their best efforts to stand on, and for, the constitutional principles our Founding Fathers intended for our nation."
    18. Federal pension insurance, the agency argues, wasn't intended to "subsidize an employer's ongoing retirement program."
    19. Instead of running 64 hours a week, as intended, 13 of the 23 call sites averaged 49 hours.
    20. Collor's announcement that he intended to fire 320,000 to 400,000 government employees was seen partly as a response to the critics.
    21. On each visit he nailed down another agreement _ safeguarding the return of exiled Nicaraguan Indians, condemning campaign violence, unfreezing stalled U.S. funds intended for opposition parties.
    22. The company had to extend the deadline and put up more cash itself than it initially intended.
    23. Like the schoolchildren's flock in the June 1 ceremony, the difficult negotiating process intended to end 10 years of civil war in El Salvador has also had a tough time getting off the ground.
    24. Over the last 50 years, he said, "the market has become cluttered with all sorts of restrictions that Congress never intended.
    25. A portion of the proceeds was intended to finance its previously announced acquisition of Diversified Shelter Group Ltd. and affiliated entities.
    26. Press reports suggested the intended victim may have been a judge who drove past shortly afterward.
    27. Walsh said the vague nature of North's filing was tantamount to the so-called "gray-mail" that the law was intended to prevent.
    28. It performs a wide range of research intended to benefit U.S. industry.
    29. The software is explicitly described as an ERP product and is intended to support 'lean,' JIT-type manufacturing procedures. Another ERP product is the Control Manufacturing system from Cincom, first launched in March this year.
    30. The United States is contributing a $200 million grant to the stabilization fund, intended to help put Poland's currency on a sound footing.
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