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 incognito [in'kɒgnitәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 微行地, 隐姓埋名地

n. 微行者, 匿名者

a. 微行的, 改名的, 匿名的

[法] 隐匿姓名身分

    [ adv ]
    1. without revealing one's identity

    2. <adv.all>
      in Holland he lived incognito as a carpenter in the shipyards of the East India company
    [ adj ]
    1. with your identity concealed

    2. <adj.all>

    Incognito \In*cog"ni*to\, a. or adv. [It. incognito, masc.,
    incognita, fem., L. incognitus unknown; pref. in- not +
    cognitus known, p. p. of cognoscere: cf. F. incognito, fr.
    {It}. See {Cognition}.]
    Without being known; in disguise; in an assumed character, or
    under an assumed title; -- said esp. of great personages who
    sometimes adopt a disguise or an assumed character in order
    to avoid notice.

    'T was long ago
    Since gods come down incognito. --Prior.

    The prince royal of Persia came thither incognito.

    Incognito \In*cog"ni*to\, n.; pl. {Incognitos}. [See
    {Incognito}, a.]
    1. One unknown or in disguise, or under an assumed character
    or name.

    2. The assumption of disguise or of a feigned character; the
    state of being in disguise or not recognized.

    His incognito was endangered. --Sir W.

    1. Until 1990, eastern Europe was terra incognito for Jonas af Jochnick.
    2. So, as President Reagan has said, he is traveling incognito.
    3. They believe Rimington is performing her job just perfectly - suitably diverting attention from the real boss who remains as incognito as ever, whatever the prime minister may say.
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