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 incoherent [,inkәu'hiәrәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不连贯的, 语无伦次的

[医] 不连贯的

    [ adj ]
    1. without logical or meaningful connection

    2. <adj.all>
      a turgid incoherent presentation
    3. (physics) of waves having no stable definite or stable phase relation

    4. <adj.all>
    5. unable to express yourself clearly or fluently

    6. <adj.all>
      felt tongue-tied with embarrassment
      incoherent with grief

    Incoherent \In`co*her"ent\, a. [Pref. in- not + coherent: cf. F.
    1. Not coherent; wanting cohesion; loose; unconnected;
    physically disconnected; not fixed to each; -- said of
    material substances. --Woodward.

    2. Lacking logical coherence or agreement; incongruous;
    inconsistent; having no dependence of one part on another;
    logically disconnected; rambling; -- of speech or
    discourse. ``The same rambling, incoherent manner.'' --Bp.

    3. Exhibiting incoherent[2] speech or thought; -- of people;
    as, a confused and incoherent accident victim.

    4. Lacking harmony or congruity of parts.

    1. It is only relevant in the individual imaginations of the young, in its ability to communicate on behalf of the incoherent and the illiterate.
    2. Both Hildreths were incoherent, the lieutenant said.
    3. The conclusion that one must reach is that Congress is "incoherent."
    4. Stuttgart Mayor Manfred Rommel, a Christian Democrat, thinks the government's approach to taxation is so incoherent that the tax package should be rejected today on that basis alone.
    5. They complain that the parole policy is incoherent and inconsistent, quickly releasing scores of men yet keeping hundreds with sometimes minor criminal records behind bars without apparent reason.
    6. Neighbors said they found the boy naked, bloody, covered with mud and practically incoherent.
    7. Counter-tenor Jonathan Peter Kenny as Mozart was unsure of himself, and bass Martin Nelson in the triplicate role of father Leopold, Sarastro and the critic Naegli thoroughly incoherent.
    8. But while they recognize the appeal of an off-center sensibility, they've fallen in with the evil twin of unconventional plotting, which is incoherent plotting.
    9. At worst, they are slipshod and almost incoherent - what Dylan Thomas once described as 'the higher Woollage'.
    10. I do not want to rely on Douglas Hurd's tortured explanations of Maastricht, any more than I want to hear the incoherent howls of the Euro-sceptics.
    11. He added that its branding and marketing strategy had been incoherent.
    12. Jerome Wright, 33, was ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation by Criminal Court Judge Harold B. Beeler after police at a hearing disclosed the rambling, incoherent statement he made after being arrested for the attacks.
    13. The strong words of such superstars obscure the fact that the theory of moral rights is ultimately incoherent and an invitation to an orgy of litigation and legal confusion.
    14. He said the government has had an incoherent economic policy since the tax reform, which was intended to increase government revenues by making evasion more difficult.
    15. Then it sent incoherent signals.
    16. Most Japanese politicians are incoherent and weak.
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