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 hypertension [,haipә'tenʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 高血压, 过度紧张

[医] 高血压, 血压过高, 张力过强, 压力过高

    [ noun ]
    a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater)

    hypertension \hypertension\ n.
    abnormally high blood pressure; especially, the chronic
    condition associated with persistent high blood pressure.

    1. The group's pacesetter was Merck, which benefited from strong sales of Vasotec, used to control hypertension.
    2. The other most popular brand of ACE-inhibitor is Capoten, or captopril, made by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. The two drugs combined already have world-wide sales of over $2 billion a year, much of that for treatment of hypertension.
    3. Associate Professor of Economics University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas Modern Misnomer The use of one expression Has come to a sudden halt: With hypertension's prevalence, Not even salt is worth its salt.
    4. However, four passengers were treated at two Denver hospitals for chest pains, hypertension and lightheadedness, and released by late afternoon, hospital officials said.
    5. The cardiovascular disease survey found more medicines being developed for hypertension, or high blood pressure, than any other condition with all but three of the 38 drugs in that category in the final stages of testing.
    6. AVAPRO, an angiotensin II receptor blocker for the treatment of hypertension, had sales of $64 million.
    7. Mr. Washington of Howard University tells of a construction worker in his 40s suffering from hypertension who came to his clinic.
    8. The company has developed an orally administered drug that it says may be a significant breakthrough in the treatment of hypertension.
    9. Minoxidil is already used orally to fight hypertension.
    10. Marion currently derives about two-thirds of its profit from Cardizem, a hypertension and angina drug.
    11. It would address fats and heart disease, fats and cancer, fiber and cancer, calcium and osteoporosis, and sodium and hypertension.
    12. "You only need a small portion of the ($500 million) hypertension market to make this drug significant," he notes.
    13. Current successful antihypertensive medications, known as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, block the second step of the process leading to raised blood pressure and hypertension.
    14. Both drugs are approved for treating hypertension and congestive heart failure, but the study suggests Capoten may also be useful before congestive heart failure develops.
    15. ICI cited the imminence of the hypertension patent's scheduled expiration, as well as the recent expiration of the angina-related patent.
    16. According to Pharmaceutical Data Services in Scottsdale, Ariz., doctors annually prescribe about $3.5 billion in cardiovascular medications, mostly hypertension drugs.
    17. On the salt it says, `If consumed in large quantitites, sodium chloride can be highly toxic, and habitual ingestion of this compound has been shown to cause life-threatening hypertension.'
    18. Pfizer said about 2.5 million people in the U.S. suffer from angina and 60 million from hypertension.
    19. A hypertension specialist was called in on the case, he said.
    20. Vitarine and Bolar are the only two companies that won FDA approval to market generic versions of the popular hypertension drug, a combination of hydrochlorthizide and triamterene.
    21. In 1979, when the federal Department of Health and Human Services prepared its 1990 health goals for the nation, hypertension - high blood pressure - was defined as a reading of 160-95 or higher.
    22. "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a psychosocial variable based on job characteristics has been found to be related to both hypertension and anatomic increases in heart mass," the researchers wrote.
    23. Pulmonary embolism can lead to heart dysfunction, hypertension and death.
    24. Refusing to provide details, Lynch said his department was conducting a preliminary inquiry into the death of Mitchell, a grocery store butcher whose death in July 1985 was attributed to arterial hypertension and lack of blood to the brain stem.
    25. Prosecutors said he gave false and misleading testimony to a grand jury about data submitted by Par to the FDA to support its application for a hypertension medication, triamterene with hydrochlorothiazide.
    26. Thus, at factory No. 4, hypertension could be blamed for $68 a year per worker in health benefit claims, the researchers calculated.
    27. The disclosure came less than a week after the FDA began steps to remove from the market Bolar's version of the hypertension drug Dyazide.
    28. Minoxidil, approved for hypertension, is also used to promote hair growth.
    29. Studies tie overproduction of stress-related hormones to imbalanced immune systems and such health problems as heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes and asthma.
    30. That compounds the unusually high rates of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and infant mortality rates on North Dakota Indian reservations, Gates, tribal officials and reservation residents said.
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