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 hypertensive [,haipә'tensiv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 高血压的

n. 高血压

[医] 高血压的, 高血压者

    [ noun ]
    1. a person who has abnormally high blood pressure

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. having abnormally high blood pressure

    2. <adj.all>

    hypertensive \hypertensive\ n.
    1. having abnormally high blood pressure.

    2. Causing high blood pressure.

    hypertensive \hypertensive\ n.
    A person who suffers from persistently high blood pressure.

    1. But by giving hypertensive patients with abnormal blood fat levels diuretics and beta blockers, doctors may be further knocking the proportion among the three blood fats out of line and contributing to the risk of heart attack, the researcher said.
    2. Mylan, a major generic drug manufacturer, developed the drug in the early 1980s to compete with other potassium-saving, hypertensive medications, the company said in the suit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Clarksburg.
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