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 heart-shaped 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    (of a leaf) shaped like a heart

    heartshaped \heart"shaped`\, heart-shaped
    \heart"-shaped`\(h[aum]rt"sh[=a]pt`), a.
    Having the shape of a heart; cordate; -- of a leaf shape.

    1. The commission said Tuesday the recalled model is number S7417. The brown, 14-inch stuffed bear is clad in a maroon print dress trimmed with pink and blue ribbons at the hem and three heart-shaped buttons sewn on the front.
    2. MGM Liquor Warehouse, a chain of 26 liquor stores in Minnesota, promptly set up a video display of the television program and attached heart-shaped symbols to bottles of red wine.
    3. He used plenty of curly Persian lamb touches, putting wavy piping on "nappa" leather coats with bold heart-shaped buttons, or contrasting dark gray lapels and cuffs on swirly little white beaver short coats.
    4. Toyota's factory workers seem to have caught the spirit. Plant workers in Japan wear heart-shaped badges reading: "Are you satisfying the customer?"
    5. The collision occurred as the team's "solo" pilot was trying to fly through a heart-shaped formation made by the other two planes.
    6. One of those conducting services is Charlotte Richards, who dropped by the the Clark County Courthouse to deliver heart-shaped boxes of chocolates to workers at the bureau.
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