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 heart-stirring ['hɑrt`stɚɪŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 振奋人心的

  1. They immediately undertook the heart-stirring battle to prevent the landslide.
  2. This will give a new lease of life to Hong Lim Park, which witnessed the most heart-stirring political strife and brilliant orations during the1950 s.
  3. The mountains and forests are clad in white, the waterfalls and lakes are pure and clear, the icelayer on blue lake shines with wonderful wrinkles in the sunrise and sunset; and amidst the ice-clad waterfalls, small streams sendout h

  1. So the glorious adagio pours out its descending scales, and in Semenyaka's dancing we see a no less heart-stirring grandeur.
  2. For an hour and a half, this illusory archaic world seized our imaginations and wrenched them hard. Sir Colin has persuaded us long since that Les Troyens a Carthage, where Aeneas loves Queen Dido and cruelly leaves her, is a heart-stirring masterpiece.
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