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 hawkish ['hɔkɪʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 像鹰的, 鹰派的, 强硬派的

  1. The favourite, Shinzo Abe, is more overtly hawkish.
  2. Hawkish Western circles were debating how best to“ contain” China.
  3. But Mrs Clinton remains relatively hawkish on foreign policy for a Democrat.

[ adj ]
disposed to warfare or hard-line policies
militant nationshawkish congressman
warlike policies

  1. Although both factions include hardliners with commitments to communism, Parcham has become less doctrinaire and is less hawkish than Khalq, especially when it comes to making political overtures to the mujahedeen guerrillas, or Islamic holy warriors.
  2. The authorities' decision pushed the contract up again, to close a net 3 basis points higher at 90.43. Short-dated Euromark futures rose sharply yesterday in spite of what was considered a hawkish monthly report from the Bundesbank.
  3. She said they were "more hawkish," partly because of their experience as soldiers dealing with rioters.
  4. Mr. Baker's unwitting accomplice in molding conciliation among Palestinians seems to be Ariel Sharon, Israel's hawkish minister of housing who was officially snubbed last week in Washington.
  5. Traders said prices also dropped following hawkish testimony by Defense Secretary Dick Cheney before the House Armed Services Committee.
  6. Even if Mr. Gorbachev is genuine, an over-optimistic Western policy may lead to concessions that could be overturned by a hawkish successor.
  7. Gov. Dukakis is too isolationist to warrant comparison with the hawkish Harry, but Mr. Jackson is very much in the tradition of Mr. Wallace.
  8. This year, it was revealed that Dyson had escaped service in the Vietnam War by claiming conscientious objector status - in contrast to his hawkish defense views since entering the House.
  9. Under challenge by state legislator Barbara Kreamer, Dyson has been hurt by the disclosure that despite his hawkish stance in Congress, he was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam war.
  10. The Palestinian uprising in the occupied territories has made 42 percent of Israelis more hawkish, but opinion on how to solve the problem is deeply fragmented, according to an opinion poll.
  11. The Likud bloc still has hawkish members such as Reuven Rivlin, whose family has lived in the Holy Land for eight generations.
  12. The presidents' hawkish views were on display in early July at the Fed's policy committee meeting, when a majority of them expressed a desire to reduce the 1992 target ranges for money supply growth, according to people attending the meeting.
  13. Thus, even the most hawkish senators doubt that the treaty can be killed outright.
  14. But it was a singularly confusing economic one, coming after hawkish rhetoric from Bundesbank president Mr Helmut Schlesinger.
  15. Dyson's campaign was rocked by the disclosure that, despite his hawkish support for defense spending, he was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.
  16. The government, long the most hawkish in NATO and one of the Western alliance's highest defense spenders, kept news of the review secret until word leaked several weeks after it began.
  17. State legislator Barbara Kreamer was benefiting from the disclosure that the hawkish Dyson was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.
  18. After reflection, Andoni added: "Until now, though, we still have the strength to forgive." Dany said hawkish Israeli views stem from anti-Israeli violence.
  19. Borge, one of nine commandants in the directorate of the governing Sandinista National Liberation Front, is regarded as one of the most hawkish members of Ortega's Cabinet.
  20. He offers no geopolitical analysis of the war, says nothing about his relationship with the more hawkish Mr. Humphrey during the conflict.
  21. Would-be British rulers in this region first noted its hawkish essence a century ago.
  22. Dyson has been under investigation for his relations with defense contractors and was hurt recently by the disclosure that despite his hawkish record in Congress, he was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.
  23. It had been revealed during the campaign that Dyson avoided service in the Vietnam War by claiming conscientious objector status - in contrast to his hawkish defense views since entering the House.
  24. It's extremely frightening to them." But Mr. Saba said that many relatives of hostages he has talked to feel compelled to publicly support Mr. Bush's hawkish stance.
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