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 Haworth   添加此单词到默认生词本
['hɔ:әθ, 'hɔ:wәθ]
霍沃思(①姓氏 ②Sir Walter Norman, 1883-1950, 英国化学家, 曾获1937年诺贝尔化学奖)

    [ noun ]
    English biochemist who was a pioneer in research on carbohydrates; when he synthesized vitamin C he became the first person to synthesize a vitamin artificially (1883-1950)

    1. The briefings are being held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, said Steve Haworth, a spokeman for CNN.
    2. "We are most excited about taking someone from the bench to the news desk," CNN spokesman Steve Haworth told The Dallas Morning News.
    3. Furniture manufacturer Haworth Inc. has purchased a European-based seating company for nearly $30 million, Haworth officials announced today.
    4. Furniture manufacturer Haworth Inc. has purchased a European-based seating company for nearly $30 million, Haworth officials announced today.
    5. The restaurant is 10 miles from Haworth, the centre of the Bronte tourist trade.
    6. Spokesman Steve Haworth said the network had no immediate plans to air the others.
    7. Haworth, aided by Michigan State University's School of Packaging, is experimenting with small plastic spacer blocks to keep wall panels from rubbing against each other in transit.
    8. CNN spokesman Steve Haworth declined comment.
    9. When the RLDS church voted to ordain women in 1984, the Averys and many others were unhappy, Mrs. Haworth said.
    10. CNN decided for editorial reasons to stop broadcasting the excerpt early Nov. 10, Haworth said.
    11. Noticiero Telemundo is shown on 20 Spanish-language stations in the United States and is distributed to nine Latin American countries, said CNN spokesman Steve Haworth.
    12. Haworth, with 2,800 employees worldwide, had sales of about $400 million last year, the Holland-based company said.
    13. Steven Haworth, a spokesman for Atlanta-based CNN, said pairing the Old Stone footage with the unrelated news report "would have been inadvertent," but couldn't confirm any other details of the incident.
    14. Haworth sees a big market among journalists, travel agents, telephone operators and others who spend long hours before computer screens or share desks.
    15. Haworth said it filed its suit against Herman Miller in U.S. District Court on Tuesday, after negotiations between the companies failed to reach agreement.
    16. On cable television, Cable News Network will have election reports throughout the night, said spokesman Steve Haworth.
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