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 harquebus ['hɑrkwɪbəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 火绳枪

    [ noun ]
    an obsolete firearm with a long barrel

    Harquebus \Har"que*bus\ Harquebuse \Har"que*buse\
    (h[aum]r"kw[-e]*b[u^]s), n. [See {Arquebus}.]
    A firearm with match holder, trigger, and tumbler, made in
    the second half of the 15th century. The barrel was about
    forty inches long. A form of the harquebus was subsequently
    called {arquebus with matchlock}.

    Arquebus \Ar"que*bus\, Arquebuse \Ar"que*buse\ (?; 277), n. [F.
    arquebuse, OF. harquebuse, fr. D. haak-bus; cf. G.
    hakenb["u]chse a gun with a hook. See {Hagbut}.]
    A sort of hand gun or firearm a contrivance answering to a
    trigger, by which the burning match was applied. The musket
    was a later invention. [Written also {harquebus}.]

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