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 harrier ['hæriə(r)]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 越野赛马者, 抢劫者, 蹂躏者

  1. Forty-five Marine pilots have died in crashes of this kind of plane, called the Harrier.
  2. The foraging crow continually turns his head, gull-like and harrier-like, from side to side, as if to search the ground thoroughly or to concentrate his vision on some vaguely seen object.
  3. This type of joint deployment is a prelude to the setting up of Joint Force2000- the combining of RAF Harrier and RN Sea Harrier assets into one joint-controlled force announced in the Strategic De

[ noun ]
  1. a persistent attacker

  2. <noun.person>
    the harassers were not members of the regular army
  3. a hound that resembles a foxhound but is smaller; used to hunt rabbits

  4. <noun.animal>
  5. hawks that hunt over meadows and marshes and prey on small terrestrial animals

  6. <noun.animal>

Harrier \Har"ri*er\ (-[~e]r), n. [From {Hare}, n.] (Zo["o]l.)
One of a small breed of hounds, used for hunting hares.
[Written also {harier}.]

Harrier \Har"ri*er\, n. [From {Harry}.]
1. One who harries.

2. (Zo["o]l.) One of several species of hawks or buzzards of
the genus {Circus} which fly low and harry small animals
or birds, -- as the European marsh harrier ({Circus
[ae]ruginosus}), and the hen harrier ({Circus cyaneus}).

{Harrier hawk} (Zo["o]l.), one of several species of American
hawks of the genus {Micrastur}.

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