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 hairbreadth ['hєәbredθ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 距离极短的, 间不容发的宽度

  1. To see a boy go into a grocery store at noon recess was a hairbreadth short of a miracle to me.

Hairbreadth \Hair"breadth`\ (-br[e^]dth), Hair's breadth
\Hair's" breadth`\ (h[^a]rz"-).
The diameter or breadth of a hair; a very small distance;
sometimes, definitely, the forty-eighth part of an inch.
[Also spelled {hairsbreadth}.]

Every one could sling stones at an hairbreadth and not
miss. --Judg. xx.

Hairbreadth \Hair"breadth`\, a.
Having the breadth of a hair; very narrow; as, a hairbreadth

  1. At this hastily called summit Mr. Reagan came within a hairbreadth of winning agreement to a long-held dream of eliminating all nuclear weapons.
  2. That debate, first of four, gave Kennedy a lasting lift and he won a hairbreadth election.
  3. For the most part, though, his ripostes hit home and he has several marvelous explanations for personal calamities and hairbreadth escapes.
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