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 hairline ['hɛr`laɪn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 发际线, 细缝, 细微的区别

[机] 细标线

  1. You may have heard the term hairline fracture.
  2. D. The middle-aged man already has double chins and receding hairline.
  3. First, opinion polls show that homophobia has receded almost as far as Homer Simpson's hairline.

[ noun ]
  1. a very thin line

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. the natural margin formed by hair on the head

  4. <noun.body>

hairline \hairline\ n.
1. a very thin line.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. the natural margin formed by hair on the head, especially
the edge of growth of hair on the forehead; as, a receding
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. A report released Tuesday said the fan disk of the jet's rear engine had a hairline crack less than a half-inch long before the plane's final flight.
  2. Nissan said hairline cracks could develop as a result of improper soldering, allowing gasoline to leak out between the pipe and the fuel tank.
  3. Alejandro Morfin ran his fingers over the hairline cracks creeping into the Diego Rivera mural of peasants bending over a bountiful wheat harvest.
  4. The Air Force is investigating "hairline cracking" in a rear section of the B-2 stealth bomber that may be caused by exposure to high temperatures.
  5. A hairline crack in the wrong place, he says, can be enough to make an instrument virtually worthless.
  6. In the struggle to arrest Younis, both his wrists suffered hairline fractures, federal authorities said when they announced the arrest.
  7. With Peter Lilley's hairline and John Gummer's devoutness, the sleekly-suited career politician Angelo portends heavy-handed satire.
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