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 grunting ['grʌntiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 呼噜的, 咕哝的

[医] 嗯嗯声

  1. He grunted as the bullet hit him.
  2. He gave a grunt of approval.
  3. I asked him what he thought, but he just grunted.

Grunt \Grunt\ (gr[u^]nt), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Grunted}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Grunting}.] [OE. grunten; akin to As. grunian, G.
grunzen, Dan. grynte, Sw. grymta; all prob. of imitative; or
perh. akin to E. groan.]
To make a deep, short noise, as a hog; to utter a short groan
or a deep guttural sound.

Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life. --Shak.

{Grunting ox} (Zo["o]l.), the yak.

  1. "If you can imagine a 17-pound bird just bouncing all over the place and grunting for attention _ it was way too much for one arm with a puppet on it to handle," Wallace said.
  2. Now, when he watches air battles in famous movies like "Twelve O'Clock High," starring Gregory Peck as a World War II flight commander, he leans sideways in his chair and starts grunting with the imagined gravitational force against his head.
  3. He said they assumed a threatening stance _ knees bent, arms out _ and were grunting and yelling.
  4. She won 10 tournaments and in the year's great events was defeated only at Wimbledon. There it was as much the grunting issue as Steffi Graf's superb play that led to her defeat.
  5. He said the whales entertained them with their "chirping, grunting, belching, burping and tail-flapping." MacInnis said he and Beedell often were numb from the cold as fierce winds and freezing spray washed over the exposed boat.
  6. A pig that's a cat's meow can attend a contest for cultivated kitties _ despite some grunting and groaning.
  7. Now with a direct view of the chick, we can tell every time it moves." The chick dislodged the dime-sized bit of shell Thursday on its second day of pecking at the egg, accompanied by a recording of vultures making hissing and grunting sounds.
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