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 GSA 添加此单词到默认生词本
=General Services Administration 总务管理局[美]

    [ noun ]
    a central management agency that sets Federal policy for Federal procurement and real property management and information resources management

    1. Instead, the GSA would select two teams, which would split the revenue on a 70-30 basis, and rebid every three years to see who gets the larger share of the business.
    2. The protest to the GSA board was filed by PacifiCorp.
    3. But she said her employment was unrelated to her father's role at the GSA.
    4. GSA Administrator Terence Golden capitulated to Rep. Brooks on Friday, postponing the deadline for the fourth time and informing the lawmaker that the GSA will split the contract.
    5. GSA Administrator Terence Golden capitulated to Rep. Brooks on Friday, postponing the deadline for the fourth time and informing the lawmaker that the GSA will split the contract.
    6. GSA estimated the combined value of the contracts at between $3 billion and $10 billion over 10 years _ but it could reach a maximum $25 billion.
    7. Yesterday, AT&T asked GSA to postpone again the deadline for submitting bids on the project.
    8. The GSA board rejected all of Hughes's claims of FAA favoritism, and found that Hughes failed to make a case that IBM had acted improperly in its role as a subcontractor.
    9. Rule Industries officials had said when the suit was filed the GSA was well aware of its steel-purchasing practices.
    10. "We'll go with the flow, " an AT&T spokesman said last night, adding that the company wasn't aware of the GSA letter.
    11. A federal grand jury is looking more generally into the GSA's procurement practices.
    12. But yesterday, a spokesman said the company will continue to bid as long as the GSA chose a way of splitting the contract that is "agreeable and attractive" to Martin Marietta.
    13. The GSA estimates it could cut its telephone rates by more than 20% a year by switching to the FTS-2000.
    14. GSA Dials Up Dispute Over Air-Traffic Phones THE GREAT phone fight heats up between the Federal Aviation Administration and the General Services Administration.
    15. The judge also temporarily enjoined testing of GSA employees suspected of using drugs.
    16. He said 335 properties, making up 28,936 acres, are in the GSA's excess and surplus property inventory, and since the court order the agency has been reviewing them with HUD to determine which might be suitable for the homeless.
    17. State and local governments and non-profit groups may submit applications to use the properties to GSA and the Department of Health and Human Services which will oversee the process by which the properties are made available.
    18. A spokesman for the Postal Service confirmed that the agency had argued the GSA board had no jurisdiction.
    19. An individual close to the GSA investigation said the inspector general was looking at allegations that some GSA officials may have taken inducements to slant the telephone-switching award against AT&T.
    20. An individual close to the GSA investigation said the inspector general was looking at allegations that some GSA officials may have taken inducements to slant the telephone-switching award against AT&T.
    21. Moreover, Mr. Forsee said, the GSA monitors FTS-2000 prices to ensure they don't exceed prices offered to big commercial customers.
    22. Responding to those complaints, Gary Kowalczyk, the GSA's associate administrator for policy analysis, said, "It's a fairly routine procedure in procurement evaluation that people are expected to defend their findings to their superiors."
    23. For AT&T, which has claimed since last year that the GSA has treated it shabbily, the decision is a big victory.
    24. He said that after Wickes disclosed the carpet problem, the GSA had ordered retesting at two independent labs of some of the product delivered to it, although results of the retesting weren't yet available.
    25. If GSA contracting officers are found to have skewed the awards for the $55 million contract, it would raise questions about the impartiality of the bid for the larger contract, called FTS-2000.
    26. The GSA pegs the value of the 10-year contract at roughly $5 billion.
    27. After several days of negotiations, the GSA said AT&T found ways to satisfy its requirement for fixed prices.
    28. The GSA turned the matter over to the Justice Department.
    29. But the GSA's slow response to concerns of impropriety raises questions about the integrity of the agency's vast telecommunications procurements, which include a multibillion dollar plan to replace the government's antiquated phone system.
    30. Originally, GSA officials favored awarding all the government's business to one company.
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