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 gratuitous [grә'tju:itәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 免费的, 无理由的

[经] 无代价的

  1. Gratuitous violence repels (most people).
  2. His criticism is quite gratuitous.
  3. Her advice was quite gratuitous, I can think for myself.

[ adj ]
  1. without cause

  2. <adj.all>
    a gratuitous insult
  3. costing nothing

  4. <adj.all>
    complimentary tickets
    free admission
  5. unnecessary and unwarranted

  6. <adj.all>
    a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life

Gratuitous \Gra*tu"i*tous\a. [L. gratuitus, from gratus
pleasing. See {Grate}, a., {Gratis.}]
1. Given without an equivalent or recompense; conferred
without valuable consideration; granted without pay, or
without claim or merit; not required by justice.

We mistake the gratuitous blessings of Heaven for
the fruits of our own industry. --L'Estrange.

2. Not called for by the circumstances; without reason,
cause, or proof; adopted or asserted without any good
ground; as, a gratuitous assumption.

Acts of gratuitous self-humiliation. --De Quincye.
-- {Gra*tu"i*tous*ly}, adv. -- {Gra*tu"i*tous*ness}, n.

  1. "I'd be less than honest if I didn't think that some of the speeches that I've heard recently are just kind of gratuitous," said the party chairman.
  2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average moved through 3,900 for the first time to close 22.52 points up at 3,914.48. World stocks, Page 18 Markets, Weekend II Moves to ban films containing gratuitous violence from UK video shops were intensified at Westminster.
  3. It is a largely seamless production, unpretentious and fast-moving, only coming unglued at the end with a gratuitous sprint to the demolition lot in pursuit of that vital clue.
  4. His off-duty hours are spent penning a diary and compiling existentially gratuitous 'lists' (famous people whose eyes don't match, famous left-handed people).
  5. This is the very worst kind of patronising English insularity. Other gratuitous acts include sex and violence.
  6. And don't forget all those state-of-the-art (not to mention state-of-the-network-censor) scenes of graphic violence and kinky sex, which must be comic because they are so gratuitous.
  7. Nothing in De Keersmaeker's writing is gratuitous, excessive or hackneyed.
  8. But when he senses that she's turning against him, Trout explodes into violence again. Hannah becomes the object of a whole catalog of abuse, including a particularly gruesome (and gratuitous) scene with a bottle of mineral water.
  9. Newkirk said the immediate goal of her group is to eliminate "gratuitous cruelty" to animals, including the testing of cosmetics, and eventually hopes to end all animal lab testing.
  10. In 1984, in a conversation with a desk sergeant, Bucher described the photo incident, "adding gratuitous derogatory comments about Mary Davis' anatomy" that were overheard by at least one other guard and an inmate, the court said.
  11. He said network advertisers were asked three times before the sweeps period, April 27 through May 24, to be responsible in the placement of their commercials by avoiding programs with gratuitous sex, violence, profanity and anti-Christian stereotyping.
  12. Norrington had given us humour without vulgarity, variety without gratuitous extra colouring, the passing shortcomings of his rivals.
  13. I don't like to promote gratuitous racialism at all.
  14. Frequently such transformations are gratuitous, but in this case the change is strikingly effective.
  15. Gorbachev's foreign aid bill proposes a 75 percent cut in "gratuitous" foreign economic aid, apparently for all Soviet allies.
  16. There are more gratuitous coups de cinema per minute than there are quills per inch upon a fretful porcupine. Remaking the 1962 hoodlum-at-large thriller that starred Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum, Scorsese provides a lexicon of visual ingenuities.
  17. Defenders of the Walsh-Tribe arrangement could point to an opinion by the attorney general issued in 1913 that distinguished between "voluntary" and "gratuitous" service.
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