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 gratuitously [græ'tju:itəsli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 无偿的(无必要的,无故的)

  1. If the investment on the salt chemistry is above 0.1billion yuan in the park, we can supply land gratuitously.
  2. We should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes, and recruit him with our cordials, before we judge of him.
  3. Had Dante used a computer, he surely would have created a special circle of hell for programs that gratuitously update.

[ adv ]
in an uncalled-for manner
he insulted us gratuitously

Gratuitous \Gra*tu"i*tous\a. [L. gratuitus, from gratus
pleasing. See {Grate}, a., {Gratis.}]
1. Given without an equivalent or recompense; conferred
without valuable consideration; granted without pay, or
without claim or merit; not required by justice.

We mistake the gratuitous blessings of Heaven for
the fruits of our own industry. --L'Estrange.

2. Not called for by the circumstances; without reason,
cause, or proof; adopted or asserted without any good
ground; as, a gratuitous assumption.

Acts of gratuitous self-humiliation. --De Quincye.
-- {Gra*tu"i*tous*ly}, adv. -- {Gra*tu"i*tous*ness}, n.

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