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 gobble ['gɑbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 火鸡叫声

vt. 狼吞虎咽

vi. 贪食, 咯咯叫

  1. She gobbled up all the relevant information.
  2. As he was still hungry, he gobbled up a second sandwich.
  3. Eat slowly and don't gobble!

[ noun ]
  1. the characteristic sound made by a turkey cock

  2. <noun.event>
[ verb ]
  1. eat hastily without proper chewing

  2. <verb.consumption> bolt
    Don't bolt your food!
  3. make a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys

  4. <verb.communication>

Gobble \Gob"ble\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Gobbled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Gobbling}.] [Freq. of 2d gob.]
1. To swallow or eat greedily or hastily; to gulp.

Supper gobbled up in haste. --Swift.

2. To utter (a sound) like a turkey cock.

He . . . gobbles out a note of self-approbation.

{To gobble up}, to capture in a mass or in masses; to capture
suddenly. [Slang]

Gobble \Gob"ble\, v. i.
1. To eat greedily.

2. To make a noise like that of a turkey cock. --Prior.

Gobble \Gob"ble\, n.
A noise made in the throat.

Ducks and geese . . . set up a discordant gobble.
--Mrs. Gore.

  1. "The population increase will gobble up all the economic gains each year unless it is put under strict control," the Xinhua news agency quoted Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong as saying.
  2. The loud, rattling sound of the last gobble and the hissing noise of dragging wing tips told him the tom was close.
  3. We do not mean to gobble them up but to sell them management services.' Analysts remain unimpressed.
  4. Whether he chooses to gobble another oil sheikdom now or later, the Iraqi leader has an ambition: to rule the Middle East through military threat, political intimidation and economic might.
  5. Use an owl call to get him to gobble, then follow the sound.
  6. After the plane landed she shouted at her husband: "Thank goodness we didn't die!" A mass recall of pet Missouri bullfrogs is under way, prompted by fears that when they mature they may gobble up the gentler denizens of British garden ponds.
  7. One gulp and they are gone." She spread rakes, brooms, 2-by-4 boards and shelves across the pond, but "they only provided better perches for the heron to gobble fish," she said.
  8. In taking on Sabine, however, Presidio is trying to gobble up a company larger than itself.
  9. They already own 44,000 acres of these "water farms," and some rural counties want to stop them before the cities can gobble up more of the water, developable land and tax base.
  10. His strategy: gobble up a chunk of the Japanese market's 550 smallest companies and hold them for a while.
  11. The dreaded income-tax deadline is here, but some folks headed for the midnight mail will also be given a chance to bash a used car, gobble headache powder, sip coffee or nibble frozen yogurt.
  12. "Both have plenty of dry powder" to defend their franchises, launch new funds and gobble up attractive targets, Mr. Keefe says.
  13. Thanks to the combined efforts of state game departments and thousands of concerned sportsmen the sound of a turkey gobble can be heard in all states except Alaska, even in those that didn't traditionally hold the big bird.
  14. Some dealers view the recession as an opportunity to gobble up dealerships that have gone out of business.
  15. This is the push by communities to gobble up valuable, tax-producing land through annexation or outright incorporation.
  16. Theobald now is turning his attention to the 1990s, when national interstate banking promises to shift restrictions and gobble up smaller banks.
  17. Pampered turkeys gobble to visitors and walk willingly into the slaughterhouse at Kauffman Poultry Farms, where farm operators say a happy bird is a tastier bird.
  18. They smear their hair with mercury/butter anti-lice compounds, gobble opium pills and barbecue wounded steeds.
  19. And if the buy-out succeeds, United probably will have taken on too much debt to gobble up planes or routes.
  20. The Huxtables are so decent, so loving, so winsome, so cute that I wish the old Bill Cosby's "Chicken Heart That Ate Cleveland" would gobble up NBC at 8 o'clock on Thursdays.
  21. "If we don't understand each other, the rest of the world will just gobble us up," Levene recently told 40 secular Tel Aviv high school students at a seminar on Jewish identity in Jerusalem.
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