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 Gobi ['gobɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 戈壁沙漠, 戈壁滩

  1. B) For months they travelled through the sands of the Gobi.
  2. For a slower-paced adventure, ride a camel through the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.
  3. These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the1920 s.

[ noun ]
a desert in central China

  1. Mr. Andrews ate rancid mutton fat and drank mare's milk in the Gobi with the best and worst of them.
  2. His anger led to the Gobi car/truck, which Nissan is considering for production.
  3. The latest concert will open with "Edgard Varese in the Gobi Desert," a piece performed by six percussionists on a variety of drums.
  4. He will spend two days on a private hunting and fishing expedition in the Gobi Desert.
  5. He had originally planned to take a private hunting and fishing trip in the Gobi Desert.
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