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 glum [glʌm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 愁闷的, 阴沉的

  1. Don't look so glum!
  2. Why are you so glum?
  3. Don't be glum. It will stop raining soon.

glummer, glummest
[ adj ]
  1. moody and melancholic

  2. <adj.all>
  3. showing a brooding ill humor

  4. <adj.all>
    a dark scowl
    the proverbially dour New England Puritan
    a glum, hopeless shrug
    he sat in moody silence
    a morose and unsociable manner
    a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius
    a sour temper
    a sullen crowd

Glum \Glum\ (gl[u^]m), n. [See {Gloom}.]
Sullenness. [Obs.] --Skelton.

Glum \Glum\, a.
Moody; silent; sullen.

I frighten people by my glun face. --Thackeray.

Glum \Glum\, v. i.
To look sullen; to be of a sour countenance; to be glum.
[Obs.] --Hawes.

  1. When the mutual fund industry assembles next week in Washington for its annual meeting, the mood won't be as glum as might seem likely.
  2. Ramon Salcido, 28, looked glum and unkempt as he entered the innocent pleas to seven counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder in connection with an April 14 crime spree through the wine country north of San Francisco.
  3. W H Smith's rather glum results neatly underlined the tough trading conditions in the high street.
  4. Denmark's vote against the treaty sent investors scurrying to sell, and left would-be issuers of the fledgling Euro-currency looking distinctly glum.
  5. As for Chrysler's Mr. Zuckerman, he says that he was quoted accurately about his bearishness, but that he really isn't as glum as his remarks might have implied.
  6. A glum, unshaven, shackled Ramon Salcido, wearing an orange jail jumpsuit, was charged with seven counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder in the April 14 killing spree.
  7. A city that typically revels in the mere hint of scandal is dumbstruck, almost glum.
  8. After hearing of the high court decision Wednesday, death row inmates were predictably glum.
  9. The news also is glum in the village of Stanley, a 30-minute bus ride from downtown Hong Kong.
  10. The ramparts of a Magic Castle tower over the square, decorated with battered inflatable Mickey Mouse figures. Chambermaids, housewives, butchers and bakers sit on their doorsteps, looking glum.
  11. Don't be fooled by the glum talk and frugality, though.
  12. The only bright thing is that when I talk to my passengers they do seem a bit more confident.' Mr Geoff Barlow, a few cabs down the queue, was glum.
  13. Others are not so glum.
  14. 'I'm pretty much irrepressible,' says Cohen, 'but for a while there I was feeling pretty glum.
  15. Low inflation could give the chancellor the excuse he needs to cut government spending. But such a Budget would be a glum affair and unlikely to secure Mr Lamont's survival.
  16. We tend to forget that India is just one of many investment options available to foreign investors.' Mr Jahar Sengupta, chairman of ICI India, an affiliate of the UK chemicals combine, was less glum.
  17. From a few corners comes the glum note of wounds being licked. The last takeover of note was the Pounds 500m agreed bid by the Swedish insurance group SPP for London & Edinburgh Trust in early April 1990.
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