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 garb [gɑrb]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 打扮, 装束

vt. 打扮, 穿衣

  1. The woman was garbed in black.
  2. A man in the garb of a priest came in.
  3. Presented their radical ideas in the garb of moderation.

[ noun ]
  1. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion

  2. <noun.artifact>
    formal attire
    battle dress
[ verb ]
  1. provide with clothes or put clothes on

  2. <verb.body> apparel clothe dress enclothe fit out garment habilitate raiment tog
    Parents must feed and dress their child

Garb \Garb\ (g[aum]rb), n. [OF. garbe looks, countenance, grace,
ornament, fr. OHG. garaw[=i], garw[=i], ornament, dress. akin
to E. gear. See {Gear}, n.]
(a) Clothing in general.
(b) The whole dress or suit of clothes worn by any person,
especially when indicating rank or office; as, the
garb of a clergyman or a judge.
(c) Costume; fashion; as, the garb of a gentleman in the
16th century.

2. External appearance, as expressive of the feelings or
character; looks; fashion or manner, as of speech.

You thought, because he could not speak English in
the native garb, he could not therefore handle an
English cudgel. --Shak.

Garb \Garb\ (g[aum]rb), n. [F. gerbe, OF. also garbe, OHG.
garba, G. garbe; cf. Skr. g[.r]bh to seize, E. grab.] (Her.)
A sheaf of grain (wheat, unless otherwise specified).

Garb \Garb\, v. t.
To clothe; array; deck.

These black dog-Dons
Garb themselves bravely. --Tennyson.

  1. Four men, in revealingly tattered garb, entwined themselves.
  2. In the East room ceremony, Bush watched a group of children from Toledo, dressed in traditional Spanish colonial garb, dance to mariachi music.
  3. Employees working in areas where they are in contact with the public, or where conservative clothes are the norm, still tend to wear more formal garb.
  4. Speakers, some in tree garb, decried what they said is over-harvesting of timber and cutting of old-growth redwoods.
  5. Dressed in 'Christer' garb, they continue to reappear, tormenting him with their quiet, inexorable presence, otherwise completely unthreatening.
  6. Smith told police that he sometimes lived at Bellevue and had a bed on the 22nd floor, and would wander through the hospital without problems while wearing a stethoscope and hospital garb, Ward said.
  7. An unknown Confederate soldier was carried from Virginia to a new grave Sunday in a horse-drawn hearse, accompanied by fife and drum music and about 150 people in Civil War garb.
  8. Some clowns wore traditional garb, but others dressed more topically, suiting up as President Reagan and talk show hosts Morton Downey Jr., Geraldo Rivera and Oprah Winfrey.
  9. Annette Le Skye (Andromache) is in prison garb with yellow star.
  10. A senior official said Sunday that government employees have been told they may dispense with their khaki uniforms in favor of civilian garb in their offices and at ceremonial occasions.
  11. "Is that the team we're supposed to hate?" said a lad of about eight years, clad in IU red, to his mother, pointing to a small display of yellow-and-black Purdue University garb.
  12. It was from the medieval builder's work apron that the Masonic ceremonial garb evolved.
  13. Priests are forbidden to speak about politics from the pulpit or to wear clerical garb outside churches.
  14. He submitted a new brand name, "Bad Taste." He abandoned Confederate garb in later years, except for the string tie, which became his trademark.
  15. Outside the museum, a handful of living-history enthusiasts in 19th century garb milled around a campsite erected for the weekend. Inside, visitors examined exhibits telling the trails' story through diary excerpts, journals and letters.
  16. Japanese rightists represent a small minority but maintain a high profile, dressing in military garb and driving through cities in convoys of armored, painted trucks blaring march music.
  17. Bush was out of the public's sight on the Lazy F Ranch, but the White House released a picture of him Tuesday in his hunting garb.
  18. Meldrum's job will be to don Pilgrim garb for special occasions and stroll the Plymouth waterfront shouting, "Hear ye, hear ye," and describing the day's events.
  19. About 2,500 people braved the 20-degree cold Monday at Washington Crossing State Park to witness the re-enactment, cheering when 200 actors in revolutionary garb marched to the river.
  20. Zubaz garb also has found a place on the rock scene.
  21. It ended with the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, in colonial garb, marching off after the Army Band played the anthems of all four services.
  22. Unlike some of his predecessors, the priest abstains from being photographed with the dogs while wearing his religious garb.
  23. Exceptions include holiday costumes on the day of the holiday, masks for use in sports, theatrical garb or gas masks.
  24. Jokes by fellow train passengers about his cowboy garb and holstered revolver prompted a Swiss man to prove the gun was real, police said Sunday.
  25. The DOE closed the building in October after an outside warning sign was accidently covered up, and three DOE inspectors walked in without protective garb.
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