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 garbage ['gɑrbɪdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 垃圾, 废物

[计] 无用信息

[医] 废弃物, 垃圾

  1. She threw the leftovers in the garbage.
  2. Please put the garbage in the dustbin.
  3. I've had enough of your garbage.

[ noun ]
  1. food that is discarded (as from a kitchen)

  2. <noun.substance>
  3. a worthless message

  4. <noun.communication>
  5. a receptacle where waste can be discarded

  6. <noun.artifact>
    she tossed the moldy bread into the garbage

Garbage \Gar"bage\, v. t.
To strip of the bowels; to clean. ``Pilchards . . . are
garbaged.'' --Holland.

Garbage \Gar"bage\ (?; 48), n. [OE. also garbash, perh. orig.,
that which is purged or cleansed away; cf. OF. garber to make
fine, neat, OHG. garawan to make ready, prepare, akin to E.
garb dress; or perh. for garbleage, fr. garble; or cf. OF.
garbage tax on sheaves, E. garb sheaf.]
Offal, as the bowels of an animal or fish; refuse animal or
vegetable matter from a kitchen; hence, anything worthless,
disgusting, or loathsome. --Grainger.

  1. The reason lies in political machines like the one that rules the vast garbage dumps on the outskirts of Mexico City.
  2. But "even with the recalcitrant ones," said Lowrance, "when it hits their pocketbook, they are going to become recyclers." As it is now, many communities go to great lengths to dump their garbage.
  3. Britain has become one of Europe's filthiest nations, its city streets a jungle of garbage and graffiti, the government-funded Royal Fine Arts Commission said in a report today.
  4. He brought with him plenty of clear _ rather than colored _ plastic garbage bags.
  5. That reflected a higher level of concern about garbage collection than for providing affordable housing or expanding police and fire protection, said Allen Moore, president of the trade group that represents waste disposal industry.
  6. Miami-based Carnival doesn't plan to fine anybody for throwing trash overboard, but its passengers are encouraged to separate plastics from glass, cans and paper into deck-side garbage cans.
  7. Aside from extremely high land prices, which have helped Tokyo increase its fiscal surplus, Suzuki's main declared battles have been against illegal parking and garbage.
  8. Countries in West Africa have recently shown mounting concern over the dumping of garbage there from Western nations, including the United States.
  9. "Success for me would be being respected by fellow artists. This may end up affording me a living, but I don't want to turn out garbage," she says.
  10. By the end of the 1990s, you may be paying by the pound to get rid of your garbage.
  11. Among the busts this day, an undercover officer got past a lookout and into a drug den, the basement of an abandoned building that reeked of urine and rotting garbage in the South Bronx.
  12. Strikers in the capital blocked key highways with burning garbage and leftist guerrillas sparked a blackout in the highlands, but there were no early reports of violent clashes between police and strikers, officials said.
  13. A friend who recently sailed the Atlantic in a small boat reports finding garbage strewn all the way across.
  14. The Americans, he said, would pay him $50 for each ton of garbage removed, and he would pay the British authorities $12 per ton dumped at this end.
  15. "And what happens if the flatware goes down the garbage disposal?" she asked.
  16. And without workable recycling, communities with overflowing landfills must build unpopular, expensive disposal plants or face big recurring costs to ship garbage ever-longer distances.
  17. He said corpses had been transported by garbage trucks to the area and the drivers were later shot by the police so that no witnesses whould be left.
  18. The company that developed the plastic, which Ms. Shelton-Foley declined to identify, plans to use it in other disposable consumer products, such as garbage bags, she said.
  19. In the square, students broke formation and began shoveling garbage into piles and nibbling on steamed bread.
  20. In a one-minute address to the House on Monday, Smith said that the practice of carrying both food and garbage appears to be increasing as landfills in eastern states reach capacity.
  21. "There's a lot of garbage out there, to be very honest with you." Rather than shun secondary issues, Mr. Navellier believes the trick is to find a few good ones.
  22. King was in Memphis to support striking city garbage men when he was slain.
  23. Here is no mountain of unburied garbage, no nasty smells and not much dust.
  24. A House committee approved legislation Friday that would stop the hauling of garbage in refrigerated trucks used to ship food, drugs and cosmetics, and the back-to-back hauling of chemicals and foodstuffs in cargo tankers.
  25. The modern-day recipe calls for sewage sludge and yard waste, plus any variety of newspapers, office paper and cardboard, along with run-of-the-mill garbage like last night's leftovers.
  26. We want to show people that garbage doesn't just disappear.
  27. But such bonds aren't strong, and the final product generally is too weak for such uses as garbage and shopping bags.
  28. We can learn something new about ourselves,' he told a recent conference. Most people assume that garbage - or rubbish as it's known east of the Atlantic - consists largely of fast food containers, packaging waste and soiled nappies.
  29. "We're sick and tired of accepting other peoples' garbage," complains Indiana Gov. Evan Bayh.
  30. At one stage, Great Southern refused to discuss the offer unless the price did not begin with a 6, while their offer document was described by Mr Heiligbrodt as 'garbage'. There were numerous ironies.
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