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 fraudulently   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    in a dishonest and fraudulent manner
    this money was fraudulently obtained

    Fraudulently \Fraud"u*lent*ly\, adv.
    In a fraudulent manner.

    1. Those arrested were suspected of fraudulently obtaining jobless compensation worth $303,000. But he said other Yugoslavs apparently bilked the West Germany government of $30 million to $60 million.
    2. The Singer Company and a former subsidiary were accused by the government Tuesday in a $231 million lawsuit of fraudulently inflating the price of military aircraft flight simulators.
    3. The suit also says Mrs. Hammer was fraudulently deprived an interest in thousands of shares of Occidental stock and millions of dollars in cash paid to Armand Hammer in salary and fringe benefits.
    4. Last year, Cubic paid the federal government about $7.3 million to settle claims that it fraudulently tested the hand-held mine detectors it refurbished for the Navy.
    5. The women claim Burt performed the surgery either without their consent or by fraudulently obtaining their consent.
    6. A federal jury decided against awarding any punitive damages to the daughter of the founder of Mail Boxes Etc., who claimed that the company and its top official fraudulently induced her to sell her 23% stake.
    7. Much of the money was fraudulently concealed through purchases of prime Manhattan real estate, federal prosecutors have charged.
    8. Most of these services were fraudulently billed through a funeral home.
    9. The NLRB office here issued a complaint Wednesday saying Morrell "fraudulently concealed" an "unlawful scheme" to circumvent its master agreement with the union, the United Food & Commercial Workers said.
    10. The brokerages already had been paid by Rothschild; the double-payment checks were fraudulently endorsed by Messrs. Andrews and DeStefano, who split the proceeds.
    11. It said the four allowed BCCI to "trade on their reputations for wealth" by fraudulently using their names as shareholders.
    12. Andre Bissonnette, a former minister in Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's cabinet, was charged in a Quebec court with fraudulently profiting from a property purchase by a Swiss defense contractor.
    13. It also contends that Exxon and its six partners in the Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., which runs the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, fraudulently misrepresented their ability to prevent or control a major spill.
    14. Tax-shelter promoter John Peter Galanis, awaiting trial on racketeering and fraud charges, was accused additionally of fraudulently taking over three California mutual funds and a Connecticut thrift.
    15. The complaint also charges that the Galanis group fraudulently gained control of a Salt Lake City bank, Heritage Bank & Trust, in 1984.
    16. Ms. St. Charles and Lowry are charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and unlawful use of funds fraudulently obtained through the COL Corp.
    17. Protesters here and across Mexico claim the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party or PRI is fraudulently withholding returns from Wednesday's election to manipulate them in favor of its candidate, Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
    18. In October, the SEC had charged SFT's chief executive officer with wrongly selling a company he owned to four of SFT's mutual funds and then fraudulently overvaluing that company.
    19. The proposal was withdrawn after a debate in which one side argued that no payments should be made on fraudulently obtained contracts, while the other side insisted that such action would be premature.
    20. Troy Cecil Snowden, whose "The Troy Snowden Ministry" was broadcast from October 1986 to 1988, is accused in a federal indictment of fraudulently using his radio ministry to obtain property and illegal sex with a minor.
    21. Avacus charges that this and other transactions put about two million Infotech shares "into friendly hands at a grossly and fraudulently inadequate consideration."
    22. Posner, 69, pleaded no contest last year to evading $1.2 million in federal income taxes by fraudulently inflating the value of land he donated to a college in the 1970s.
    23. He disputes that ruling, but he may yet face criminal charges if a department investigation concludes that he fraudulently represented himself as Hispanic to climb the career ladder.
    24. The suit also charges that Suzuki fraudulently withheld information about alleged design defects that give the Samurai a propensity to roll over in certain abrupt maneuvers.
    25. Messrs. Martini and LaSala admitted they helped two New Jersey men to fraudulently raise, maintain and control securities prices of Vista Capital Corp., Castleton Investors Corp. and Bellatrix Corp.
    26. On Thursday, Ferranti filed a lawsuit against four former executives of its U.S. operation and five Panamanian companies seeking the return of $198.5 million that it said was fraudulently siphoned off.
    27. The proposed law, however, would enable an attorney general to file the suit in a federal court, which could issue an order immediately barring the offender from operating fraudulently in any state.
    28. The alleged scheme, according to the indictment, allowed Mr. Moran and brokers at the firm to sell millions of shares of stock at inflated prices and to buy shares at fraudulently low prices.
    29. Authenticating the chunks is costly, and B&P partner William Bell acknowledged that someone could fraudulently sell ordinary concrete chunks as pieces of the wall.
    30. The shop-by-television retailer said in a suit filed in U.S. District Court in Tampa, Fla., that Drexel fraudulently induced Home Shopping to allow a new conversion price to be set for swapping the bonds for HSN stock.
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