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 fraught [frɔt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 含有...的, 伴着...的, 充满...的

  1. The expedition through the jungle was fraught with difficulties and danger.
  2. The expedition into the jungle was fraught with danger.
  3. Peace-making is still fraught.

[ adj ]
  1. marked by distress

  2. <adj.all>
    a fraught mother-daughter relationship
  3. filled with or attended with

  4. <adj.all>
    words fraught with meaning
    an incident fraught with danger
    a silence pregnant with suspense

Fraught \Fraught\ (fr[add]t), n. [OE.fraight, fraght; akin to
Dan. fragt, Sw. frakt, D. vracht, G. fracht, cf. OHG.
fr[=e]ht merit, reward; perh. from a pref. corresponding to
E. for + The root of E. own. Cf. {Freight}.]
A freight; a cargo. [Obs.] --Shak.

Fraught \Fraught\, a.
Freighted; laden; filled; stored; charged.

A vessel of our country richly fraught. --Shak.

A discourse fraught with all the commending excellences
of speech. --South.

Enterprises fraught with world-wide benefits. --I.

Fraught \Fraught\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fraughted} or {Fraught};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Fraughting}.] [Akin to Dan. fragte, Sw.
frakta, D. bevrachten, G. frachten, cf. OHG. fr[=e]ht[=o]n to
deserve. See {Fraught}, n.]
To freight; to load; to burden; to fill; to crowd. [Obs.]

Upon the tumbling billows fraughted ride
The armed ships. --Fairfax.

Fraught \Fraught\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fraughted} or {Fraught};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Fraughting}.] [Akin to Dan. fragte, Sw.
frakta, D. bevrachten, G. frachten, cf. OHG. fr[=e]ht[=o]n to
deserve. See {Fraught}, n.]
To freight; to load; to burden; to fill; to crowd. [Obs.]

Upon the tumbling billows fraughted ride
The armed ships. --Fairfax.

  1. But fulfilment of these aims remains fraught with considerable uncertainty. General elections over the last weekend of September re-affirmed Mr Meciar and his Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) as the dominant force in Slovak politics.
  2. It is fraught with political risks.
  3. English cricket is fraught with health consciousness and concern; hypochondriacs abound.
  4. Those who have fled say they can no longer endure the nation's tough policy on travel to the West, its intolerance toward dissent and pluralism and an economy that is still fraught with shortages and distribution problems.
  5. All the good will wafting around the summit is being taken as a positive sign, but the fact is that the so-called "education crisis" is fraught with irony.
  6. It will run parallel to the S-Bahn overground railway, and will be used after the games, limiting the cost to the organisers. Like Berlin, Manchester is using its campaign to stress the city's quest for renewal after a period of fraught recent history.
  7. Mr. Deng added: "We understand perfectly that every step we take in our price reform is fraught with perils."
  8. But the ramifications are at present "far too fraught for the Americans to contemplate," he said.
  9. The situation is "highly tense and fraught with unpredictable consequences," the national government said in a statement reported by Tass.
  10. Under Coca-Cola, Columbia's management was fraught with turnover and its movie business, after several strong years, floundered.
  11. It is not pretty, but the alternatives all appear to be fraught with risk. The one serious practical objection is that the UN inspectors are desperately short of money.
  12. In a day of fraught, sometimes rambling testimony, Wedtech Corp. founder John Mariotta said illiteracy kept him from knowing about the illegal goings-on at his scandal-plagued company.
  13. "This is an issue fraught with much emotion," said Pozos, vice president for minority affairs at the University of Washington and former director of the Hypothermia Research Laboratory at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.
  14. Negotiating a common standard for capital adequacy has been fraught with difficulty.
  15. The plan already had been criticized, delayed and fraught with financial complications.
  16. The enterprises need to learn management and marketing skills, and the haemorrhage of their finances has to be stopped. Though China's reformers do not have to answer to an electorate, their whole agenda is fraught with political uncertainty.
  17. It may be tempting for the DTI to avoid break-up if it is keen on more competition. Yet that course is equally fraught with difficulty.
  18. Brazil's recent elections, far from the government victory consolidating the move to democracy they were hailed as, have pushed the country into uncharted territory fraught with potential social and economic turmoil.
  19. But expanding into North America's midrange hotel market, which suffers from oversupply, is fraught with risk.
  20. Its non-recognition is fraught with extremely grave consequences for world peace.
  21. But the government's complex involvement in the banking system remains fraught with difficulties and a swift resolution still seems unlikely. The IDB Holding issue was probably the most straightforward in the bank sale process.
  22. It soon becomes apparent that both of the sisters' marriages are fraught with violence, misunderstanding and frustration.
  23. AS MR Michael Heseltine begins the task of trying to keep more of the coal industry alive, he has to find ways of expanding coal's share of the already crowded energy market. His task is fraught with practical difficulties.
  24. Because AIDS is prevalent among those with multiple sex partners and intravenous drug users, partner notification for those patients will be "fraught with the same problems," Fleming said.
  25. BORROWING dulls the edge of husbandry, and lending is fraught with risk too. But Polonius was only half right when he warned against both. Good credit management is about following rules.
  26. The withdrawal of Russia to within its current borders is as painful and as fraught with danger as any of the great imperial retreats of the past century.
  27. "The way of the soldier and his family is often hard and fraught with danger as evidenced by the present deployment of our military forces overseas," Jones said.
  28. He maintained that Germany had always taken a constructive approach to the problems of exchange markets and stuck to the rules of the European Monetary System. Mr Schlesinger let slip the background to his recent fraught relations with the chancellor.
  29. Even before the latest problems, the budget discussions were fraught with ill will left over from last year's budget talks.
  30. Setting up on one's own is more expensive, and fraught with the difficulties inherent in penetrating an alien market. 'China took the basic decision 500 years ago to be an inward-looking society.
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