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 foreshore ['fɒ:ʃɒ:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 前滩, 海滩

  1. The planning lead-time for reclamation projects has been cut by revising planning procedures to allow the publication of gazette notices in parallel under the Foreshore and Seabed( Reclamations) Ordinance and the Town Planning

[ noun ]
the part of the seashore between the highwater mark and the low-water mark

foreshore \foreshore\ n.
the part of the seashore between the high-water and and
low-water marks.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. During a re-enactment Jan. 26 of the arrival of the first fleet of ships that bought convict settlers to Australia, aborigines stood on the foreshore of Sydney Harbor pointing sharpened bones _ a symbol of imminent death _ at the incoming ships.
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