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 foresight ['fɒ:sait]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 远见, 深谋远虑

[法] 先见, 预见, 预见的能力

  1. The couple had the foresight to plan their retirement wisely.
  2. The decision they made is a lamentable lack of foresight.
  3. Care or preparation in advance; foresight.

[ noun ]
  1. providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future

  2. <noun.attribute>
  3. seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing

  4. <noun.cognition>

Foresight \Fore"sight`\, n.
1. The act or the power of foreseeing; prescience;
foreknowledge. --Milton.

2. Action in reference to the future; provident care;
prudence; wise forethought.

This seems an unseasonable foresight. --Milton.

A random expense, without plan or foresight.

3. (Surv.) Any sight or reading of the leveling staff, except
the backsight; any sight or bearing taken by a compass or
theodolite in a forward direction.

4. (Gun.) Muzzle sight. See {Fore sight}, under {Fore}, a.

  1. It would look better off still if it had had the foresight to raise 25-year money when yields reached their floor of 6.4 per cent in late December.
  2. Bifocused As an economic adviser, His acuity varies aplenty; His foresight is frequently faulty, But his hindsight is twenty-twenty.
  3. Yet the reshuffle still looks the fruit of frailty rather than of foresight.
  4. As a realtor and mortgage banker I am constantly frustrated by the fact that much of our real estate is sold to foreigners who are intelligent enough to have the foresight to ignore doom sayers such as yourselves.
  5. By competence, he means all the qualities that allow a person to get ahead economically - not only intelligence but foresight, energy, discipline, and the ability to sacrifice for the future.
  6. President Ghulam Ishaq Khan said in a televised address that Ms. Bhutto had "the best qualities of leadership and foresight as a statesman." Thousands of supporters celebrated in streets of the nation's cities after the long-awaited announcement.
  7. The aquifer has been both mindlessly squandered and utilized with great intelligence, foresight and self-restraint.
  8. He had the foresight to build that particular hidey-hole into a speech he delivered on September 7. Now he has found another escape-hatch.
  9. "I've tried other jobs and I always go back to farming because it keeps you healthy." Savers and investors need an extra dose of foresight as they try to plan how to manage their money in 1989.
  10. The Office of Science and Technology stands a good chance of breaking down the academic-industrial divide if it draws enough experts from universities and industry into the 20 or 30 foresight panels which it plans to set up.
  11. So it takes no great foresight to predict the line which most leader writers will take in the aftermath of elections: there were isolated problems (like Natal, where one quarter of the population lives); but overall, polling was free and fair.
  12. "So it wasn't all terrific foresight."
  13. Johnson Wax, estimated to control between 50 percent and 65 percent of the repellent market, credits itself with the foresight of developing in mid-1988 a campaign targeting Lyme-endemic areas with special ads.
  14. Next time he may have the foresight to work hard for an alliance with the Liberal Democrats well in advance of a crucial vote.
  15. The question is whether the industry has the foresight to see that, by selling to those who cannot possibly benefit, it risks alienating the public on whose goodwill its survival depends.
  16. "At present, when Chinese-U.S. relations are at a difficult and critical moment, he is paying his sixth visit to China, once again showing his political foresight and courage," Qian said.
  17. This nation was willing to dig deep into its resources to rebuild Western Europe and Japan after the Second World War, and those countries' successes since then are a lasting tribute to our foresight and commitment.
  18. Let them look back and say that we had the foresight to understand that a time of peace and prosperity is not a time to rest, but a time to push forward.
  19. But Sir Christopher argues that, through a mixture of luck and foresight, the system introduced in Britain to accompany the privatisation of utilities is a good approximation to what is required.
  20. Karl, who once described himself as a "humble little guy with the torn tennis shoes," became a millionaire because of his foresight in the magazine and video markets.
  21. "Who's Who lists a lot of one-armed people in my hometown," writes the "colonel." Mr. Newman also had the good fortune or foresight to get in early on the salad and pasta boom.
  22. "You've got to give the Krewe of Saturn committee credit for being adventurous, daring, courageous and bold to have the foresight to select a teetotaler and lay Baptist minister to head up their parade," he said.
  23. Premier Li Peng today told former Secretary of State Alexander Haig that Richard Nixon showed great foresight in developing China-U.S. ties.
  24. "When the old stage curtains were taken down, they were stored away and not disposed of, probably because someone had the foresight to realize that they might be a novelty.
  25. Like so much prescriptive management literature this assumes that all problems and contradictions can be avoided by management foresight.
  26. But, he quickly added, "We'll see." But it can be a trap for companies that lack the expertise to deal with the red tape, the foresight to protect their new products against copycats, or the judgment to evaluate potential demand for their innovations.
  27. Edward Stephen Pohl said he doesn't believe he has extrasensory perception _ even if his initials are ESP _ but he had enough foresight to play the lottery and won $7 million, his second big lottery haul.
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