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 forego [fɒ:'gәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 放弃, 在...之前, 居先

  1. Mickey agreed to forego his holiday.
  2. This was a delight he could not forego.
  3. Dwarves are strong fighters, some preferring to forego armor and shields to wield two axes and pure rage.

foregone, forewent

Forego \Fore*go"\, v. t. [AS. foreg[=a]n; fore + g[=a]n to go;
akin to G. vorgehen to go before, precede. See {Go}, v. i.]
To go before; to precede; -- used especially in the present
and past participles.

Pleasing remembrance of a thought foregone.

For which the very mother's face forewent
The mother's special patience. --Mrs.

{Foregone conclusion}, a conclusion which has preceded
argument or examination; a predetermined conclusion.

Forego \Fore*go"\, v. t. [imp. {Forewent 2}; p. p. {Foregone}
(?; 115); p. pr. & vb. n. {Foregoing}.] [See {Forgo}.]
1. To quit; to relinquish; to leave.

Stay at the third cup, or forego the place.

2. To relinquish the enjoyment or advantage of; to give up;
to resign; to renounce; -- said of a thing already
enjoyed, or of one within reach, or anticipated.

All my patrimony,,
If need be, I am ready to forego. --Milton.

Thy lovers must their promised heaven forego.

[He] never forewent an opportunity of honest profit.
--R. L.

Note: Forgo is the better spelling etymologically, but the
word has been confused with {Forego}, to go before.

  1. "Because of their cultural heritage of self-sufficiency and attendant distaste for government assistance programs, many Hispanics would rather forego JTPA training than accept food stamp assistance just to qualify for the program," the agency said.
  2. Richard Truly, NASA administrator for space flight, indicated at the press conference that NASA will not soon forego Edwards.
  3. Both Riegle and Garn, as well as other members from both parties on the banking committee, pleaded with their colleagues to forego offering amendments to the 564-page bill.
  4. Southland Corp. said it will continue to lose money until 1993 even if debt holders agree to forego $1.6 billion in interest payments as part of a complex debt restructuring.
  5. Let Europe forego a peace of tension for a peace of trust, one in which the peoples of the East and West can rejoice, a continent that is diverse, yet whole.
  6. In the long term, the coalition believes the most profitable companies are those that are willing to forego short-term profits and invest according to environmental and social concerns.
  7. Mr Clinton chipped in by saying the Republicans could never forego tax breaks for the rich. Yesterday, Ms Alice Rivlin, Mr Panetta's deputy, took to the New York Times in an article headlined 'Where is the old Bob Dole?'
  8. Rather than swiftly write off Nippon Housing's bad loans, its nine banks have agreed to forego interest on outstanding loans worth Y830bn for up to 10 years. The finance ministry is wedded to its traditional approach.
  9. After two groundbreaking presidential campaigns that altered Democratic politics, Jackson is tantalizing party leaders with hints he might forego a third campaign and run instead for mayor of Washington.
  10. In Washington, spokesmen at the Chinese embassy didn't return calls to comment on the decision to forego production of the Grumman equipment.
  11. Voter mailings also have been sent out in Texas to predominantly elderly Democratic voters, encouraging them to forego absentee ballots.
  12. The Chrysler-UAW contract calls on executives to forego cash bonuses in years when earnings don't reach the threshold for profit-sharing checks for union-represented workers.
  13. "The most that can be said in support of Delta's position" is that it might prompt an airline to "forego entering into an otherwise desirable merger," the appeals court said.
  14. With Foley running for speaker, Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., is promising to stay and serve if he's elected Majority Leader. Gephardt ran for president in 1988 but is promising to stay in the House and forego another attempt in 1992.
  15. By asking shareholders to forego a cash dividend to shore up its balance sheet, Ladbroke is stretching the point. Altering dividend arrangements after shares have gone ex-dividend equally sets a poor precedent.
  16. And what is 'sir' to do? In fact, the auctioneer is saying that another bid has topped yours - so you must decide whether to carry on bidding or forego the property you are seeking.
  17. It remains to be seen whether the public will forego the joys of traditional serendipity for such sophisticated games.
  18. The family decided to forego the fee when it learned that Ouillette's estate could sue to obtain the profits within three years.
  19. It would forego the revenue of a complete sale of the units for the possibility of earnings stemming from its stake in the master limited partnership.
  20. The Lac du Flambeau, the most active Chippewa band in spearfishing, would continue ceremonial spearfishing but "agreed to forebear and forego the exercise of their treaty rights," Hanaway said.
  21. Still, he does not plan to forego the campaign. "America the Beautiful" is gradually eclipsing "The Star-Spangled Banner" as the song of choice at official functions, he said.
  22. However, such an outcome is against the express policy of Mr Berlusconi and his closest allies, who will not easily forego their demand for early elections. They could even force this conclusion by resigning en masse from parliament.
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