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 foregoer [for'goɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 前驱者, 祖先

  1. Benjamin N. Cardozo, a celebrated judge and a foregoer of pragmatism, realized the quite revolution of common law thanks to his judicial wisdom and genius.
  2. Cai Yuanpei, a foregoer who promoted China's modern education of science and technology, advanced new theories and ideas to develop education of science and technology which can be taken for reference in our efforts to put int

Foregoer \Fore*go"er\, n.
1. One who goes before another; a predecessor; hence, an
ancestor; a progenitor.

2. A purveyor of the king; -- so called, formerly, from going
before to provide for his household. [Obs.]

Foregoer \Fore*go"er\, n. [Etymologically forgoer.]
One who forbears to enjoy.

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