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 flyswatter ['flaiswɒtә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 苍蝇拍

  1. A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a flyswatter." What are you doing?" She asked.

[ noun ]
an implement with a flat part (of mesh or plastic) and a long handle; used to kill insects

flyswat \fly"swat\, flyswatter \fly"swat*ter\n.
An implement with a flat part (a mesh of metal or plastic)
and a long handle, used to kill insects by striking them. The
handle is typically about one foot long and the flat mesh at
the end (usually of plastic) is about 5 inces square.

Syn: swatter.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

  1. Nanny, give me a flyswatter." The movie also succeeds at showing what Gaby has in common with all young people _ she tries makeup and beer; there's a peace sign on the back of her wheelchair; she falls in love.
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