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 flytrap ['flaɪ`træp添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 捕蝇器, 捕蝇草

  1. Let's face it, the Chelsea defensive strategy is without doubt the footballing equivalent of a Venus flytrap.

[ noun ]
a trap for catching flies

flytrap \fly"trap\ (fl[imac]"tr[a^]p), n.
1. A trap for catching flies.

2. (Bot.) A plant {(Dion[ae]a muscipula)}, called also
{Venus's flytrap}, having two-lobed leaves which are
fringed with stiff bristles, and fold together when
certain sensitive hairs on their upper surface are
touched, thus trapping insects that light on them. The
insects so caught are afterwards digested by a secretion
from the upper surface of the leaves. The plant is native
to North and South Carolina, growing in bogs.

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