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 expressionless [ik'spreʃәnlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无表情的, 呆板的

  1. Her face remained expressionless.
  2. His recitation was almost expressionless.
  3. His recitation was almost expressionless.

[ adj ]
deliberately impassive in manner
deadpan humorhis face remained expressionless as the verdict was read

Expressionless \Ex*pres"sion*less\, a.
Destitute of expression.

  1. Even standing still, expressionless, years past their prime, the potential havoc those men could wreak was enough to make audiences laugh helplessly.
  2. Joubert sat expressionless and blinked as the jury's verdict was read after less than two hours of deliberations.
  3. After the verdict he was wheeled away, expressionless and ringed by riot police.
  4. He sat expressionless, facing the panel.
  5. Abalkin said the only body with the constitutional power to order a referendum was the Congress of People's Deputies, the 2,250-member body that elects the legislature and the president. Gorbachev sat expressionless during Abalkin's remarks.
  6. Miss Brawley looked on expressionless during the rally, which also featured independent presidential candidate Lenora Fulani of New York, whose campaign has become a fixture in the protest area.
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