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 expressiveness [ɪk'sprɛsɪvnɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. His painting rose to a fresh expressiveness and revealed a shrewder insight.
  2. The audience was impressed by the expressiveness of the actors.
  3. His painting rose to a fresh expressiveness and revealed a shrewder insight.

[ noun ]
the quality of being expressive

Expressive \Ex*press"ive\, a. [Cf. F. expressif.]
1. Serving to express, utter, or represent; indicative;
communicative; -- followed by of; as, words expressive of
his gratitude.

Each verse so swells expressive of her woes.

2. Full of expression; vividly representing the meaning or
feeling meant to be conveyed; significant; emphatic; as,
expressive looks or words.

You have restrained yourself within the list of too
cold an adieu; be more expressive to them. --Shak.

Through her expressive eyes her soul distinctly
spoke. --Littelton.
-- {Ex*press"ive*ly},adv. -- {Ex*press"ive*ness},n.

expressiveness \ex*press"ive*ness\ n.
the quality of being expressive.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. That blending of "charismatic expressiveness and high-church dignity" was celebrated April l5 in a "dynamic synergism" of both that "inspired standing ovations and joyous praise," reported The Ledger-Enquirer of Columbus.
  2. Soprano Hildegard Behrens, who has performed the role of Isolde at the Met, was in top form, meaning she hurled out the high notes fearlessly and sang with beauty and expressiveness.
  3. Caring little for the modern fashion of sacrificing expressiveness for instrumental brilliance, his account often sounds raw in comparison with the others, as if he is pushing every player to the limit.
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