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 exploration [`ɛksplə'reʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 探险, 踏勘, 探测

[医] 探察

[经] 勘探, 钻探

  1. They decided to make a full exploration of the accident.
  2. It is true during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature.
  3. The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery.

[ noun ]
  1. to travel for the purpose of discovery

  2. <noun.act>
  3. a careful systematic search

  4. <noun.act>
  5. a systematic consideration

  6. <noun.cognition>
    he called for a careful exploration of the consequences

Exploration \Ex`plo*ra"tion\, n. [L. exploratio: cf. F.
The act of exploring, penetrating, or ranging over for
purposes of discovery, especially of geographical discovery;
examination; as, the exploration of unknown countries; (Med.)
physical examination.

``An exploration of doctrine.'' --Bp. Hall.

  1. William Feathergail Wilson, Placid's exploration vice president, told the Hunts of an ancient Mississippi River 50 miles wide and 200 feet deep, which buried a treasure of oil-forming debris in the vicinity of Green Canyon.
  2. His insistence that electronic rather than human exploration is the wave of the future brought him into conflict with the group manning Alvin, the famous miniature submarine.
  3. "This change is designed to improve the efficiency of conducting our business in today's highly competitive business environment," said S.M. Cassiani, vice president of exploration for Exxon USA, the domestic subsidiary of Exxon Corp.
  4. In another step, the company will combine the management of its domestic and international exploration activities.
  5. But contracts entered into before today for exploration and appraisal will continue to get relief against PRT on existing fields for the next two years.
  6. For each Prime share, holders will be entitled to receive one Corona Gold share and one share of a successor company to be known as Prime Equities Inc., which will comprise Prime Resources' holdings in junior exploration concerns.
  7. Analysts say Texaco's turn to exploration and production has happened by default due to its financial troubles.
  8. Statistics Canada, which surveyed 1991 spending intentions between November and February, said mining expenditures are expected to rise 20% this year, led by higher outlays for petroleum exploration and development.
  9. Americans overwhelmingly favor maintaining or increasing the federal budget for space exploration, even while three in 10 doubt NASA's competence, a Media General-Associated Press poll has found.
  10. He was an international exploration official at Maxus Energy Corp.
  11. Formation of the partnership, to be called Petrolane Partners L.P., is part of Texas Eastern's restructuring program, designed to concentrate the company's activities in pipeline operations and international oil and gas exploration and production.
  12. That price level put a crimp in both Amoco's domestic and foreign exploration and production operations.
  13. "The exploration of space has benefits for the United States that go far beyond the quantifiable," the president said in the budget plan he presented in January.
  14. Poco had cited the merger as a chance to expand its operations and achieve a critical mass in some areas of its exploration and development activities.
  15. "When investors still weren't sure oil prices would continue to rise, they bought these because they thought they were safer" than pure exploration stocks, Mr. Bradshaw says.
  16. The company is engaged in exploration and production of oil & natural gas in the U.S. and Canada.
  17. Earlier in the day when he visited the Our Lady of Perpetual Help grammar school, Quayle told students to think of the recent space shuttle mission and urged them to commit themselves to furthering America's role in space exploration.
  18. Zilkha is a privately owned oil and gas exploration, development and production company with operations primarily in Louisiana and Texas federal waters.
  19. Mr Darby estimated that annual spending on exploration would average some Pounds 50m over the next three years. Of the 14 wells drilled in the first half, eight were successful and included two substantial finds in Algeria.
  20. The overall index improved 11 to 5,587, industrials notched up 16 to 6,403 and the golds index eased 6 to 2,154. De Beers dipped 10 cents to R108.90 - the group announced yesterday a diamond exploration joint venture in Canada.
  21. Under the legislation, oil exploration would be allowed on the coastal plain of the refuge along the Beaufort Sea, about 1.5 million acres of the 19 million-acre expanse.
  22. John Anderson, Westcoast president, said he now expects "a pause in our petroleum acquisition activities and renewed emphasis on our exploration and development activities."
  23. USX's steel segment remained well into the black despite a decline in operating income due to continued weakness in the market for tubing used in oil and gas exploration.
  24. Many officials from British Gas and elsewhere, involved in a multi-million pound gas exploration deal, are flocking to the region.
  25. The board said the group's US assets were now centred on Weeks Exploration, a growing exploration company with good growth potential. Sales revenue fell 7.6 per cent ADollars 656m from the 1990 record of ADollars 709m.
  26. That would put a total of 2 percent of the state's land under wildernss protection, preventing development and such uses as timber harvesting, mineral exploration or intrusion by campers in vehicles.
  27. The Soviets also will help Iran rebuild several key industrial complexes damaged in the war, construct new power stations and assist in off-shore oil exploration.
  28. "The market hasn't fully digested" the increase in costs, he said, including higher exploration costs, environmental expenses and the cost of some raw materials used in gold leaching.
  29. Operating profit both from refining and marketing and from exploration and production more than doubled to $112 million from $55 million.
  30. One of the Magellan spacecraft's backup computers rejected commands when a memory chip failed, but the glitch won't hurt the $744 million exploration of Venus, engineers say.
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