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 exploratory [iks'plɔ:rətəri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 探究, 探查, 探察(伤处), 探险, 探测, 勘探, 考察, 钻研, 探索

[医] 探察的

  1. Pertaining to exploratory methods of problem solving in which solutions are discovered by evaluation of the progress made toward the final result.
  2. Will the research be exploratory, descriptive, explanatory?
  3. An exploratory factor analysis revealed three major factors.

[ adj ]
serving in or intended for exploration or discovery
an exploratory operationexploratory reconnaissance
digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico
exploratory talks between diplomats

Exploratory \Ex*plor"a*to*ry\, a. [L. exploratorius.]
Serving or intended to explore; searching; examining;
explorative. --Sir H. Wotton.

  1. The gold mining company said it increased the estimate as a result of exploratory drilling last fall.
  2. Senate Finance Chairman Bentsen called the meeting with Mr. Baker an "exploratory conference.
  3. None of the exploratory wells was reported to have found oil, and oil companies' interest in further exploration is unknown.
  4. Samayoa refused to identify the American legislators or give details of the talks, which he said were "preliminary" and "exploratory."
  5. South Africa, in a message last week to IAEA Director General Hans Blix, said it would hold exploratory talks in December with U.S., Soviet and British diplomats on the possibility of signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  6. Oil India Ltd., a government-owned company, will use the World Bank funds to drill exploratory gas wells in two regions and to improve oil output at the partially depleted Assam fields.
  7. "The exploratory surgery allowed (doctors) to go inside and make sure the suture lines are healing right and to see how the organs are healing," Ms. Cardillo said. "The organs are functioning.
  8. There are more compounds in exploratory development - 16 -than ever before. Zofran, also known as ondansetron, was as effective as Warner-Lambert's Cognex for the treatment of Alzheimer's symptoms and was far safer, said Dr Sykes.
  9. Smaller oil companies, which do most of the exploratory drilling, say current taxes discourage investment in oil wells.
  10. It said the decision to apply was made after Swiss finance and monetary officials held exploratory discussions with their counterparts in the Group of Ten industrial countries, of which Switzerland is a member.
  11. Officials of UNITA and of the Luanda government held talks in Evora, Portugal, last month and will meet again soon, he said. Muekalia described the talks as exploratory but said there was good will on both sides.
  12. Mr Tony O'Reilly, head of foods group HJ Heinz, travelled to the country two years ago on an initial exploratory trip. A few companies have already taken the plunge.
  13. This includes the drilling of a further three exploratory wells later this year.
  14. British Petroleum Co., its Standard Oil Co. unit, and Chevron Corp. are the only concerns to have data from a 1984 exploratory well on the plain.
  15. Amoco Corp. said its Amoco Netherlands Petroleum Co. unit discovered oil and natural gas in an exploratory well in the Netherlands sector of the North Sea.
  16. Jack Pierce, Ranger's president, said the company expects to drill 17 exploratory wells in the British North Sea this year.
  17. However, Southeast last week said it had had "preliminary exploratory" talks with federal regulators about the possibility of seeking open-bank assistance.
  18. The executive notes that Unocal, despite its debt-reduction program, has pushed efforts to acquire exploratory land.
  19. Regarding the financing of its possible acquisition, the Edelman group said in its filing that it has held "exploratory discussions" with investment and commercial bankers, although agreements haven't been reached.
  20. Ms. Williams said exploratory talks between the union and management were scheduled for Monday night to "see whether there is a basis for further negotiations."
  21. But that it happens is the studied conclusion of a exploratory and versatile Roman Catholic priest, the Rev. Andrew Greeley of Chicago.
  22. Delay sinking exploratory shafts at Yucca Mountain.
  23. "We had been nervous about this," she said, noting that the oil industry has been pressing the administration and Congress to open new areas of the Outer Continental Shelf for exploratory drilling in light of the Persian Gulf crisis.
  24. Unlike other investors, according to Mr. Bailey, Mr. Simon often picked what exploratory wells he wanted to risk his money in.
  25. Responding to a NATO initiative last year, the Soviets agreed to exploratory talks in Vienna aimed at setting up a new negotiating forum for reductions of conventional forces, in which the East bloc has big numerical advantages.
  26. Washington-based MCI, the nation's second-largest long-distance telephone company, earlier issued a brief statement that Dr. Bartley Griffith suggested the exploratory surgery following a periodic exam and performed the surgery.
  27. "As a result, we do not expect our capital and exploratory expenditures this year to be much different than those of last year, which were the lowest since 1979."
  28. The Los Angeles-based insurer disclosed the discussions in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, adding that "exploratory discussions concerning similar or other types of transactions may be held with others."
  29. His appointment as mediator marked the ninth time that an Italian president has given a prominent politician the so-called "exploratory mandate" for resolving a government crisis.
  30. "This is purposely vague because it is still in the exploratory stage."
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