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 exceptional [ik'sepʃәnәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 例外的, 异常的, 特别的

  1. This weather is exceptional for June.
  2. We've enjoyed an exceptional run of fine weather recently.
  3. Forestry has advanced with exceptional speed.

[ adj ]
  1. far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree

  2. <adj.all>
    a night of exceeding darkness
    an exceptional memory
    olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy
    the young Mozart's prodigious talents
  3. surpassing what is common or usual or expected

  4. <adj.all>
    he paid especial attention to her
    exceptional kindness
    a matter of particular and unusual importance
    a special occasion
    a special reason to confide in her
    what's so special about the year 2000?
  5. deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability; used especially of children below normal in intelligence

  6. <adj.all>
    special educational provisions for exceptional children

Exceptional \Ex*cep"tion*al\, a. [Cf. F. exceptionnel.]
Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare; hence,
better than the average; superior. --Lyell.

This particular spot had exceptional advantages.
--Jowett (Th.
-- {Ex*cep"tion*al*ly}, adv.

  1. He was an exceptional man and someone I looked up to personally," said Josiah Spaulding, who heads the center.
  2. Only in exceptional circumstances would loans become repayable before maturity. Academics have welcomed the initiative.
  3. Providing more performing space than any other theatre in Scotland, the stage will be comparable to that of the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. The auditorium is of exceptional design and gives the theatre its Grade B listed building status.
  4. In exceptional cases, the molecules may be robust enough to survive inside dinosaur fossils.
  5. Moreover, the 1991-92 result is flattered by a Pounds 61m credit from sales of businesses which in turn masks a Pounds 71m exceptional provision for reorganisation.
  6. That service promises to deliver television pictures of exceptional clarity.
  7. Stripping out exceptional gains, forecasts are for full-year pre-tax profits of Pounds 16.5m, giving earnings up to 12.4p.
  8. Although, as your article points out, I did have one unproductive trip to the factory in 1987, in all of my most recent selection trips to Steinway, I was pleased to find pianos with exceptional beauty and range of color and response.
  9. Under the program that began in 1954, a small group of exceptional American students _ currently 30 each year _ are chosen to spend two or three years at British universities, with all expenses paid by the British government.
  10. 'Such exceptional rates of growth are not sustainable over time,' says Mr Roberto Zahler, the bank's president. But shifting economic gear will require an important change in Chilean business culture.
  11. As Leonard's mother, Ruth Nelson achieves a clear, wrenching beauty that stands out even among these exceptional actors doing exceptional things.
  12. As Leonard's mother, Ruth Nelson achieves a clear, wrenching beauty that stands out even among these exceptional actors doing exceptional things.
  13. Every time those women work anywhere you have to watch because their work is so exceptional," she said.
  14. There was an exceptional charge of Pounds 940,000 (credit Pounds 19,000), including the write-down. Losses per share were 35.7p, against earnings of 3.4p.
  15. Gachet." Sotheby's guaranteed several works being "de-accessioned" from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Guggenheim Museum. The three exceptional Guggenheim pictures sold above expectations for a total of $47.3 million.
  16. If we could find a Clancy 12 times a year, our business would be exceptional."
  17. A year ago BAe reported the biggest annual loss in UK corporate history - the Pounds 1.2bn pre-tax loss included exceptional costs of Pounds 1bn.
  18. The two banks' reports reflected a general downturn for West Germany's banking industry after exceptional earnings in 1986.
  19. Cairn Energy, the oil and gas explorer, surprised the City with pre-tax losses of Pounds 27.6m for 1991 after a substantial exceptional write-down which almost halved the value of balance sheet assets.
  20. It would yield an exceptional profit of about Pounds 75m in this year's accounts, after a Pounds 33m charge for goodwill previously written off to reserves.
  21. BAe said in September that these were likely to show pre-tax profits of at least Pounds 150m, excluding exceptional items, but that rationalisation costs alone would be about Pounds 250m.
  22. Share prices enjoyed another exceptional day on the London Stock Exchange Monday, soaring to new heights amid heavy demand from institutional investors.
  23. Martin International Holdings, the clothing manufacturer, reported pre-tax losses of Pounds 2.25m for the year to December 31 after exceptional reorganisation costs of Pounds 1.94m.
  24. The average forecast of about Pounds 725m represents an increase of 16 per cent, but last year's figures were reduced by exceptional redundancy costs of almost Pounds 50m.
  25. Alexander Russell, the quarrying, concrete and coal group, reported 1993 pre-tax profits of Pounds 1.68m, against losses of Pounds 1.94m after exceptional costs of Pounds 2.56m.
  26. The deficit was up from Pounds 104,000 last time and came after closure costs of Pounds 150,000 and exceptional charges of Pounds 243,000 (Pounds 74,000).
  27. Each apartment has either a courtyard or a terrace and the interiors are very sympathetically decorated. The restoration work of Pro Sevilla is exceptional because the organisation does not believe in the creation of pastiche architecture.
  28. Gabicci announced pre-tax losses of Pounds 476,000 (Pounds 538,000 profits) for the six months ended December 19. The group made an exceptional charge of Pounds 537,000 which included the costs of abortive merger talks and a provision for a bad debt.
  29. "The combination of pleasant shape and proportions, fine color, transparency and luminosity, make it an exceptional gemstone," said a report released by the auction house.
  30. An Pounds 30m exceptional charge for reorganisation at Gatwick after the Dan-Air acquisition will knock the quarter's profits back to about Pounds 10m (Pounds 100m).
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