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 exceptions 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Most children like sweets, but there are some exceptions.
  2. There is no rule but has exceptions. (=There is no rule that doesn't have exceptions.)

  1. But there are exceptions, largely unknown outside a comparatively small circle.
  2. Females, with rare exceptions, are little affected by most X chromosome defects because they have two X chromosomes.
  3. The government originally wanted the only exceptions to be voting on fundamental liberties and issues of conscience, such as abortion and genetic experimentation.
  4. The exceptions in the amended bill include minors accompanied by a parent; returning home from an activity sponsored by a church, school or non-profit organization; traveling in a motor vehicle; employed during curfew hours; or on an emergency errand.
  5. Critics say the laws make no exceptions for rape or incest, but Guste said abortions in such cases could be considered therapeutic and, therefore, legal.
  6. But bio-technology stocks, with a few exceptions, edged up.
  7. "One position the president might want to take is to urge the states to enact legislation (in a post-Roe-vs.-Wade situation) recognizing the three exceptions that he would allow," she said.
  8. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., with a 12 percent gain, is one of the rare exceptions to the rule.
  9. With very few exceptions, bipartisan reaction on Capitol Hill to the announcement was strongly favorable.
  10. "The big question is if there are going to be any exceptions to this process," said Paul Watanabe, head of the political science department at the University of Massachusetts at Boston.
  11. Democratic Whip Alan Cranston said in testimony before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee last May: "All parking should be removed from the Capitol plaza; there should be no exceptions."
  12. His report, filed with the Supreme Court Friday, will now be the focus of briefs, called exceptions, likely to be filed by the state and local government lawyers.
  13. There are a number of exceptions, such as for spare parts.
  14. The exceptions were the Scottish and Irish chartered accountants. Mr Ian Plaistowe, a former president of the English and Welsh Institute, may be a senior Andersen partner as well as a member of the Bishop working group. But there the similarities do end.
  15. These exceptions have become known as "too-big-to-fail" cases.
  16. With some exceptions, patients should be allowed to get out of bed when they feel like it, they suggest.
  17. The board also approved certain exceptions to the new rule.
  18. The exceptions were the perennial star performer Wal-Mart and stores concentrating on apparel, including Penney.
  19. With some exceptions, blind pools have been out of favor since the stock-market crash a year ago.
  20. State benefits have, with important exceptions such as payments to the disabled, risen by little more than the retail price index.
  21. We can't make exceptions." A judge ruled Attorney General John Van de Kamp may use San Francisco Chronicle articles in a TV commercial for his gubernatorial campaign despite the paper's objection that such use implied an endorsement.
  22. With one or two exceptions, the backbenchers are being listened to with studied respect. As is customary, Mr Lamont has said little himself.
  23. Libra is party to a standstill agreement that prohibits it from acquiring more than 30% of Henley or engaging in a proxy fight to seek control or influence management, with certain exceptions.
  24. A state may make exceptions for religious practices, but isn't required to do so by the Constitution, he said.
  25. The statement said the only exceptions are those contracts and options excercised: _To the extent that the United States has a legal obligation under a statute, treaty or international agreement.
  26. With some notable exceptions, the Economist's reporters in the U.S. follow this rule: Democrats tend to be noble, selfless guardians of the public trust.
  27. They had hoped to send the bill to Bush with provisions expanding the exceptions under which Medicaid money can be used to pay for abortions, which currently permit abortions only when the mother's life is in danger.
  28. The cloud of doubt arises from the fact that the bound volumes which Ridolfi made were dismembered by some dim college Librarian in the last century. That said, with some exceptions the drawings we see in the exhibition are not particularly remarkable.
  29. Beyond that, the appellate jurisdiction is subject to whatever exceptions Congress shall see fit to impose.
  30. There are still exceptions, such as International Business Machines and Digital Equipment, the two largest computer companies, which are struggling to adapt to shifts in technology and markets.
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