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 exactly [ɪg'zæktlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 确切地, 精确地, 恰好, 完全地, 确实, 恰恰正是, 确实如此

  1. Tell me exactly where he is.
  2. Their answers are exactly the same.
  3. The train arrived at exactly 8 o'clock.

[ adv ]
  1. indicating exactness or preciseness

  2. <adv.all>
    he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do
    it was just as he said--the jewel was gone
    it has just enough salt
  3. just as it should be

  4. <adv.all>
    `Precisely, my lord,' he said
  5. in a precise manner

  6. <adv.all>
    she always expressed herself precisely

Exactly \Ex*act"ly\, adv.
In an exact manner; precisely according to a rule, standard,
or fact; accurately; strictly; correctly; nicely. ``Exactly
wrought.'' --Shak.

His enemies were pleased, for he had acted exactly as
their interests required. --Bancroft.

  1. "We are still working to see exactly how much money was involved, but it was many millions of dollars," Salazar said Wednesday.
  2. The Caribbean News Agency, quoting police and hospital sources, said on Saturday that at least 22 people have died in fighting since the coup attempt began, but exactly where the fighting occurred remained unclear.
  3. About 200 Cambodian refugees prayed for peace in their village of exile in Thailand, Site B, exactly 11 years after Vietnam invaded their homeland and started the continuing civil war.
  4. In the succeeding two years, scientists have been trying to determine exactly how low cholesterol levels should be to minimize the risk of a heart attack.
  5. "He's built a career on economic growth and that's exactly the kind of message this state needs to hear." Being mentioned for political office is nothing new to Mr. Iacocca, a self-professed independent with Democratic leanings.
  6. New condominium and industrial projects had eradicated many of the state's farmlands - the very scenery tourists came to New Hampshire to see. The economic picture in Vermont, while not exactly up-beat, is better than that of its eastern neighbour.
  7. Trump, who is married, responded: "Leonard Stern understands exactly what's going on.
  8. If necessary, he can tell the strings exactly what he wants in terms of "how much bow to use in a piano or a forte, how much more air I need so the sound has more flexibility."
  9. One question keeps coming up: Why is it efficient for North Dakota to follow one rule but South Dakota exactly the opposite?
  10. That, in effect, is exactly what the Council of Economic Advisers does in the latest Economic Report.
  11. The law, however, is murky on what exactly constitutes an illegal public offering.
  12. The BAOR will then cease to exist and become instead UK Support Command (Germany). 'It doesn't exactly trip off the tongue, does it?' commented a senior British officer.
  13. "It is not working out exactly the way it was supposed to." All of Mr. Sondheim's best work has a malicious humor that is to musicals what Gary Larson's "The Far Side" is to cartoons.
  14. Indeed, the onetime adversaries turned partners haven't yet worked out exactly which events CBS will give Turner.
  15. "Someone said, and I guess it's true, that `What you were really playing in that picture was a peeping tom,"' the 80-year-old Stewart said. "That's exactly what I was doing.
  16. What exactly is the crime supposed to be?
  17. That's exactly what this ad does," Bruce Hicks, a Continental spokesman, said from the company headquarters in Houston.
  18. Other parents knew exactly what Bethel was.
  19. "We knew this was going to re-enter, but exactly where was hard to predict, as far as the exact time and location," he said.
  20. Their fee income may not move up and down exactly in line with asset prices in world markets, but there is nonetheless a degree of correlation.
  21. For Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories, the realization set in last weekend that, for a change, they may get exactly what many of them want: an Iraqi attack on Israel.
  22. His description matched exactly Mattox's inventory of Lukens' campaign tactics.
  23. He is sure he has a message to pass on, but it is hard to pin down what exactly it is.
  24. What Brussels has done is not exactly an 11th-hour intervention, but they have certainly left it until the ninth or 10th hour.' In other respects, however, the Commission is making a bid to lay down its own agenda, according to Mr Metaxas.
  25. "Things didn't work out exactly the way I had planned," Gore, flanked by his wife, parents and children, told supporters jammed into a Senate office building.
  26. The price of Polish debt accordingly fell after the deal was announced. Neither side obtained exactly what it wanted.
  27. "It won't be exactly a junior partnership.
  28. Analysts say Excel's branded steaks aren't exactly selling like McDonald's hamburgers.
  29. That is exactly what he said." At another point Gray testified, "It sounded like a quid pro quo.
  30. He said, however, that Kerr-McGee hasn't decided exactly how it will respond.
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