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 exalting [ig'zɔ:ltiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 令人激动的,令人喜悦的

    [ adj ]
    tending to exalt
    an exalting eulogyennobling thoughts

    Exalt \Ex*alt"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exalted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Exalting}.] [L. exaltare; ex out (intens.) + altare to make
    high, altus high: cf.F. exalter. See {Altitude}.]
    1. To raise high; to elevate; to lift up.

    I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. --Is.
    xiv. 13.

    Exalt thy towery head, and lift thine eyes --Pope.

    2. To elevate in rank, dignity, power, wealth, character, or
    the like; to dignify; to promote; as, to exalt a prince to
    the throne, a citizen to the presidency.

    Righteousness exalteth a nation. --Prov. xiv.

    He that humbleth himself shall be exalted. --Luke
    xiv. 11.

    3. To elevate by prise or estimation; to magnify; to extol;
    to glorify. ``Exalt ye the Lord.'' --Ps. xcix. 5.

    In his own grace he doth exalt himself. --Shak.

    4. To lift up with joy, pride, or success; to inspire with
    delight or satisfaction; to elate.

    They who thought they got whatsoever he lost were
    mightily exalted. --Dryden.

    5. To elevate the tone of, as of the voice or a musical
    instrument. --Is. xxxvii. 23.

    Now Mars, she said, let Fame exalt her voice.

    6. (Alchem.) To render pure or refined; to intensify or
    concentrate; as, to exalt the juices of bodies.

    With chemic art exalts the mineral powers. --Pope.

    1. For many liberals, the choice is between a Republican Party exalting individual greed and social bigotry and a Democratic Party committed to human rights and social fairness.
    2. Critics have accused Mormons of exalting Joseph Smith, who believers say found the church in 1820 after God and Jesus appeared to him, to a level equal to or surpassing Jesus.
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