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 enforcement [in'fɒ:smәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 执行, 强制

[法] 实施, 加强, 厉行

  1. The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law.
  2. A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
  3. A city law enforcement officer in the United States who carries out court orders.

[ noun ]
the act of enforcing; ensuring observance of or obedience to

Enforcement \En*force"ment\, n. [Cf. OF. enforcement.]
1. The act of enforcing; compulsion.

He that contendeth against these enforcements may
easily master or resist them. --Sir W.

Confess 't was hers, and by what rough enforcement
You got it from her. --Shak.

2. A giving force to; a putting in execution.

Enforcement of strict military discipline.

3. That which enforces, constraints, gives force, authority,
or effect to; constraint; force applied.

The rewards and punishment of another life, which
the Almighty has established as the enforcements of
his law. --Locke.

  1. A mysterious man linked to the Medellin cocaine cartel acknowledged he forged millions of dollars in greenbacks and passed thousands along the U.S.-Mexico border, a top law enforcement official said Tuesday.
  2. A lengthy investigation by U.S., Italian and Canadian law enforcement authorities resulted in the arrests on Monday at seven locations in the city and on Long Island, law enforcement officials said.
  3. A lengthy investigation by U.S., Italian and Canadian law enforcement authorities resulted in the arrests on Monday at seven locations in the city and on Long Island, law enforcement officials said.
  4. Too many times it works." Tougher state laws and more aggressive enforcement have driven many boiler room operators from the Fort Lauderdale area, but Neal estimates about 80 large telemarketing fraud operations still carry on from Miami to Palm Beach.
  5. Thornburgh will then travel to Italy for discussions on Wednesday with Italian law enforcement officials about narcotics, organized crime and terrorism.
  6. The December 1988 bombing, which killed 270 people aboard the plane and in the village of Lockerbie, has been attributed by law enforcement authorities to a pro-Iranian terrorist group.
  7. Railways Minister Ding Guangen was forced to resign in March to take responsibility for the accidents, which were blamed on negligence or poor enforcement of safety rules by rail workers.
  8. Our cooperation with the United States in law enforcement is based on our bilateral assistance treaty from 1973 and on our federal act on mutual assistance in criminal matters from 1981.
  9. "He ought to get out," said Byrd. "The country cannot have confidence in the Justice Department when the top law enforcement officer obviously has to spend an inordinate amount of his time defending himself.
  10. Wedtech officials have admitted to law enforcement officials that the company illegally obtained the status of a minority-run company to obtain no-bid contracts through bribes of public officials.
  11. Japanese officials said they would urge the United States to improve vocational training programs, increase the savings rate, strengthen drug enforcement and focus on long-term investments rather than short-term profit.
  12. The CIA let North Korean agents smuggle high-performance Hughes helicopters out of the United States and withheld the information from law enforcement officials for nearly a year, according to an NBC News report.
  13. "We suspect (Martin's) behavior may have played a part in the accident," a law enforcement source said.
  14. Illinois officials, in fact, have a computerized link to this plant that allows them to constantly monitor emissions, and this enforcement case initially focused on air pollution.
  15. Only a fraction of the 90 million travelers who entered Canada last year were checked for narcotics and few drug shipments were intercepted, said Arthur Lewis, head of enforcement at Canada Customs.
  16. Attorney Robin Auld's lawyer, Hal Haddon, asked Montrose District Judge Richard Brown to dismiss the charge because of "outrageous misconduct" by District Attorney Victor Reichman and other law enforcement officials.
  17. "Since 1981, this administration has failed to support one nickel going to state and local law enforcement," said Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., chairman of the House narcotics committee.
  18. On the sensitive issue of military involvement, the communique said "the control of illegal trafficking is essentially a law enforcement matter" rather than a military one.
  19. Biden's version calls for spending $14.6 billion next year, including 400,000 new beds in treatment centers and immediate treatment for pregnant addicts as well as more FBI and drug enforcement agents and prison expansion.
  20. "Case production is at an all-time high, and the quality of cases is far better than before." The enforcement staff grew 210% from 1986 to 1990.
  21. The government charged today that cash, jewelry, fine wines and fruits were given to the nation's former chief law enforcement officer by defendants in the influence-peddling trial of Leonid I. Brezhnev's son-in-law.
  22. The Southwest border's four Democratic senators said Bush's budget seeks personnel reductions in three federal law enforcement agencies that could seriously affect their operations along the border.
  23. Most seem willing to take a chance they won't get caught because the enforcement effort is spread so thin.
  24. In the letter, the union asked the department "to immediately review and bring an enforcement action" against the proposed buy-out.
  25. Grassley, R-Iowa, called for more vigorous enforcement of antifraud laws and for the use of regional task forces of federal prosecutors to fight white-collar crime in concentrated defense industry areas such as southern California and Texas.
  26. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson issued a preliminary injunction Friday to stop enforcement of the ordinance, saying it was unconstitutional.
  27. An SEC enforcement attorney emphasized that yesterday's action "has nothing to do with market value."
  28. Allowed a woman charged with minor traffic violations to sue Kentucky law enforcement officials who strip-searched her after her arrest.
  29. John Stoppelman, a Washington securities lawyer and former SEC enforcement official, has been added to the list of candidates under consideration, according to industry sources.
  30. My budget asks for beefed-up prosecution, for a new attack on organized crime, and for enforcement of tough sentences _ and for the worst kingpins, that means the death penalty.
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