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 engage [in'geidʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 答应, 从事, 交战

vt. 使忙碌, 雇佣, 预定, 使从事于, 使参加

[法] 从事, 保证, 约束

  1. I have engaged a room at this hotel.
  2. Jack and Anne are engaged.
  3. I engaged the clutch and the car moved forwards.

[ verb ]
  1. carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in

  2. <verb.social> prosecute pursue
    She pursued many activities
    They engaged in a discussion
  3. consume all of one's attention or time

  4. <verb.cognition>
    absorb engross occupy
    Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely
  5. engage or hire for work

  6. <verb.social>
    employ hire
    They hired two new secretaries in the department
    How many people has she employed?
  7. ask to represent; of legal counsel

  8. <verb.social>
    I'm retaining a lawyer
  9. give to in marriage

  10. <verb.communication>
    affiance betroth plight
  11. get caught

  12. <verb.change>
    make sure the gear is engaged
  13. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)

  14. <verb.social>
    Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe
  15. hire for work or assistance

  16. <verb.possession>
    engage aid, help, services, or support
  17. engage for service under a term of contract

  18. <verb.possession>
    charter hire lease rent take
    We took an apartment on a quiet street
    Let's rent a car
    Shall we take a guide in Rome?
  19. keep engaged

  20. <verb.contact>
    lock mesh operate
    engaged the gears

Engage \En*gage"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Engaged}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Engaging}.] [F. engager; pref. en- (L. in) + gage pledge,
pawn. See {Gage}.]
1. To put under pledge; to pledge; to place under obligations
to do or forbear doing something, as by a pledge, oath, or
promise; to bind by contract or promise. ``I to thee
engaged a prince's word.'' --Shak.

2. To gain for service; to bring in as associate or aid; to
enlist; as, to engage friends to aid in a cause; to engage
men for service.

3. To gain over; to win and attach; to attract and hold; to

Good nature engages everybody to him. --Addison.

4. To employ the attention and efforts of; to occupy; to
engross; to draw on.

Thus shall mankind his guardian care engage. --Pope.

Taking upon himself the difficult task of engaging
him in conversation. --Hawthorne.

5. To enter into contest with; to encounter; to bring to

A favorable opportunity of engaging the enemy.

6. (Mach.) To come into gear with; as, the teeth of one
cogwheel engage those of another, or one part of a clutch
engages the other part.

Engage \En*gage"\, v. i.
1. To promise or pledge one's self; to enter into an
obligation; to become bound; to warrant.

How proper the remedy for the malady, I engage not.

2. To embark in a business; to take a part; to employ or
involve one's self; to devote attention and effort; to
enlist; as, to engage in controversy.

3. To enter into conflict; to join battle; as, the armies
engaged in a general battle.

4. (Mach.) To be in gear, as two cogwheels working together.

  1. The reasoning was that by placing more private capital at risk, thrifts would be less likely to engage in imprudent practices that have depleted the thrift-insurance fund and will cost $166 billion over 10 years to remedy.
  2. Another provision stipulates that aid will end automatically should the Contras engage in military attacks or cross-border incursions, or evidence further human rights violations.
  3. He expressed confidence that the airline's fitness will be assured before the FAA allows it to engage in passenger-carrying flights.
  4. They rejected one proposal to force doctors to report AIDS patients and to make it a felony for persons who know they have the disease to donate blood or engage in prostitution.
  5. However, only half of the respondents said they always or almost always engage in safer sex practices, such as condom use.
  6. They're not in a position to engage in any alleged securities violations, which is what this case is all about, and they're not a risk of flight," he said.
  7. In one, planes attached to metal rods engage in a dogfight.
  8. Mr. Nixon lists three lessons that the U.S. should have learned from the Vietnam war, but he omitted the most important lesson, which is that a democracy should not engage in a war without the support of its people.
  9. To the south, in Orange County, corporate videos for training and promotion engage an estimated 150 small firms.
  10. His supervisor told Pelvas that he had to attend but that he could sleep, read a newspaper or otherwise engage himself durng the services.
  11. He asserted he "absolutely did not" engage in "immoral" activities.
  12. Scalia did not specifically discuss abortion in his talk, focusing instead on his belief that judges should not engage in public debate.
  13. The filing didn't disclose National's intentions toward Minneapolis-based DataCard, but said National might engage in a proxy contest, tender offer or litigation to protect its investment.
  14. Failure to engage the skills and commitment of workers effectively has been a longstanding problem for industry.
  15. Under the agreement announced March 24 at the White House, the money may be cut off if the rebels engage in human rights abuses or in offensive military action.
  16. People sleep in it and engage in the strangest behavior in the cathedral.
  17. The biggest institutional players who engage in index arbitrage, including Wells Fargo Investment Advisors, Bankers Trust Co. and Mellon Capital Management, structure their portfolios to match such indexes as the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index.
  18. Authorities canceled an expulsion order against Khalil Abu Ziyad in 1985 in exchange for a promise he would not engage in anti-Israeli activities or maintain contacts with the Palestine Liberation Organization.
  19. However, the wives of Kremlin leaders do not usually engage in political or Communist Party business.
  20. Rather than concede the political right to television and newspaper commentator Patrick Buchanan, the Bush administration now plans to engage him directly, arguing that his view of conservatism is narrow and outmoded.
  21. That leaves open the question of whether NATO should insist that the Soviets reduce their conventional forces before the two blocs engage in negotiations to further reduce their nuclear arsenals in Europe.
  22. But he cautioned Congress that it should write such laws "carefully enough so that honest, hardworking people who might want to engage in public service are not summarily proscribed" from working at the Pentagon.
  23. It's not enough, the commission said, for the new East European democracies to only acquire capital goods and new technologies and engage in joint ventures with the West.
  24. But generally, the Republican side has stayed together." The Bush shutout has emboldened the White House to engage in what some critics suggest is negotiation-by-veto-threat on a range of bills.
  25. In December 1985, Mr. Solomon asked whether Drexel could engage in securities transactions with him on which he could generate short-term losses for his personal income tax purposes.
  26. Namibian officials said 316 guerrillas and 27 security force members were killed in the fighting as South African troops left their bases to engage the rebels.
  27. "The demonstrators wanted to engage in a dialogue with somebody rather than just have somebody passively received a petition," the press officer said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
  28. The vice minister likewise said that "in the near future" it will also become possible for U.S. banks to engage in bond transactions in Japan through their Japanese branches.
  29. House Banking Committee Chairman Fernand St Germain ordered his staff to draft a bill that would let banks engage in real estate development, insurance and securities underwriting.
  30. Directors of the Securities Industry Association, at the trade group's annual cnvention here, endorsed a proposal to let subsidiaries of banks "engage in a broad range of securities and securities-related activities." Slug AM-SIA.
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