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 easterly ['istɚlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 东的, 向东的, 从东的

ad. 向东

  1. The ship held an easterly course.
  2. They were travelling in an easterly direction.
  3. The strong easterly wind lash1 ed at our faces.

[ noun ]
  1. a wind from the east

  2. <noun.phenomenon>
[ adv ]
  1. from the east

  2. <adv.all>
    the winds blew easterly all night
[ adj ]
  1. lying in or toward the east

  2. <adj.all>
    the east side of New York
    eastern cities
  3. from the east; used especially of winds

  4. <adj.all>
    an eastern wind
    the winds are easterly

Easterly \East"er*ly\, a.
1. Coming from the east; as, it was easterly wind.

2. Situated, directed, or moving toward the east; as, the
easterly side of a lake; an easterly course or voyage.

Easterly \East"er*ly\, adv.
Toward, or in the direction of, the east.

  1. 'How would you feel walking down that causeway at quarter to six in the morning and there's an easterly wind blowing?
  2. Marsaxlokk Bay, a large indentation in the southeast coast of Malta, is exposed to winds from easterly directions.
  3. Cold air from western Russia appeared to be the culprit for the low pressure system causing the strong easterly winds over the central Mediterranean, said Maltese meteorologist Spiro Agius.
  4. In Albuquerque, easterly winds gusted to 51 mph.
  5. The remote mountainous area around Siirt, the most easterly of the Gap provinces, produces more than 15 per cent of Turkey's pomegranate crop.
  6. Andy Maillet, assistant coast guard ice operations officer, said the combination of an early winter, extremely low temperatures and easterly winds had created a near impenetrable layer of ice.
  7. An easterly wind opens "leads," or open water, through the ice within four miles of the whales.
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