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 eastern ['istɚn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 东方人, 东正教徒

a. 东方的, 向东的, 自东的

[经] 东部的

  1. China is an eastern country.
  2. An Australian-administered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britain in1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in1958.
  3. And of course it is your experience in Indonesia that inspired your film eastern moon.

[ adj ]
  1. of or characteristic of eastern regions of the United States

  2. <adj.all>
    the Eastern establishment
  3. relating to or characteristic of regions of eastern parts of the world

  4. <adj.all>
    Eastern Europe
    the Eastern religions
  5. lying toward or situated in the east

  6. <adj.all>
    the eastern end of the island
  7. lying in or toward the east

  8. <adj.all>
    the east side of New York
    eastern cities
  9. from the east; used especially of winds

  10. <adj.all>
    an eastern wind
    the winds are easterly

Eastern \East"ern\, a. [AS. e['a]stern.]
1. Situated or dwelling in the east; oriental; as, an eastern
gate; Eastern countries.

Eastern churches first did Christ embrace.

2. Going toward the east, or in the direction of east; as, an
eastern voyage.

  1. He opened a private car-repair shop in 1985 by getting a license to repair the eastern German Trabant, the two-cylinder car with the plastic body and an engine that sounds like an angry lawn mower.
  2. Showers and thunderstorms fell Saturday across the eastern United States after violent storms that included tornadoes in four states.
  3. A scuffle between two students over a classroom seat prompted a two-hour riot by 2,000 residents of an eastern Bangladesh town that injured 50, police said Friday.
  4. The long-range HH 53C helicopters, based in Woodbridge-Bentwaters in eastern England, had flown to Shannon International Airport on Friday night and took off early Saturday for the flight of more than 200 miles to the vessel.
  5. Overnight rain was locally heavy from eastern Kansas through southern and central Illinois.
  6. "To me, there's a little irony that a favorite prehistoric campsite has become one of our biggest campgrounds today," said Michael Beckes, regional archaeologist for the U.S. Forest Service's eastern district.
  7. Government troops overran a major Tamil rebel camp in eastern Sri Lanka and found the bodies of 20 policemen believed to have been captured last month, military officials said today.
  8. Mandela said the white towns in eastern Transvaal province, where he spoke, were deeply racist and should immediately end segregation of recreational areas and other public facilities.
  9. At midday, showers extended from south-central Kansas across south-central Nebraska, over north-central Illinois, from Ohio and eastern Kentucky across western Pennsylvania, and from northeastern New York state across northern and central New England.
  10. New condominium and industrial projects had eradicated many of the state's farmlands - the very scenery tourists came to New Hampshire to see. The economic picture in Vermont, while not exactly up-beat, is better than that of its eastern neighbour.
  11. The air station is located on the eastern side of San Francisco Bay.
  12. The insurance company I tried as an alternative did not cover eastern Europe, so I asked my employer, which had some experience in eastern Europe, if it could help.
  13. The insurance company I tried as an alternative did not cover eastern Europe, so I asked my employer, which had some experience in eastern Europe, if it could help.
  14. The victories came mainly in the border regions of eastern Afghanistan where Kabul's security forces were left behind.
  15. Under Sanborn, Conrail had been expected to try to expand into such areas as hauling waste and already is carrying compacted refuse from northern New Jersey and the New York City area to eastern Ohio.
  16. "They are more psychologically capable" than older eastern Europeans in seeking out Mensa, Vincent said.
  17. High wind warnings were issued for the eastern half of Montana, the northern mountains and eastern sections of Wyoming, the western Dakotas and the eastern foothills of Colorado.
  18. High wind warnings were issued for the eastern half of Montana, the northern mountains and eastern sections of Wyoming, the western Dakotas and the eastern foothills of Colorado.
  19. High wind warnings were issued for the eastern half of Montana, the northern mountains and eastern sections of Wyoming, the western Dakotas and the eastern foothills of Colorado.
  20. Ireland has moved a step closer to abandoning its traditional policy of military neutrality by announcing that it is prepared to consider sending troops to help UN efforts in eastern Bosnia.
  21. He referred to "the strategic dangers and vulnerability of our eastern borders." The Israeli leader also voiced veiled criticism of Jewish leaders abroad who have met with PLO leaders.
  22. For Friday, the forecast called for widespread showers and occasional thunderstorms extending from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle and over most of the Appalachians, the Tennessee and Ohio valleys, Illinois and eastern Missouri.
  23. Crews fought two out-of-control fires in eastern Utah.
  24. Sources who have been reliable in the past said the Dalai Lama, exiled god-king of Tibetan Buddhists, had a chance of being chosen, but the ferment in eastern Europe caused speculation that the prize would go a democratic leader in the region.
  25. "There was no peace from World War II till 1970." Given the historical problems, some officials maintain that eastern Indonesia hasn't done badly at all.
  26. Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. will plead guilty to federal charges that it intentionally dumped hazardous waste into sewers near its fruit-processing plant in an eastern Massachusetts town, authorities said Tuesday.
  27. Mr Hans-Heinrich Otte, senior partner at BDO Deutsche Warenstreuhand Aktiengesellschaft, says there has been a boom in fee volumes in Germany, driven by the opening up of the former eastern Germany.
  28. Elsewhere, showers and thunderstorms were scattered over southern Texas, southeastern Louisiana, southern Georgia, eastern sections of the Atlantic Coast states and sections of Kentucky.
  29. Also Wednesday, U.S.-backed Angolan rebels fighting the Marxist government said they captured a town on the Benguela railroad, the principal route for transporting minerals from Zaire, Zambia and eastern Angola to the Atlantic Ocean port of Lobito.
  30. As for eastern enlargement, the summit in Essen produced a few sign-posts, but little substance. In the first place, Germany was hopelessly distracted by its own general election.
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