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 dues [dju添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 税, 应付款, 该缴之款

[经] 会费, 捐费, 手续费

  1. I haven't paid my dues yet.
  2. He went round the various offices to collect the dues.
  3. Jim's dues were checked off every week.

  1. In the province of Warsaw, which includes the city and surrounding villages, local governments have paid only 3 percent of their annual dues to the provincial government, the Zycie Warszawy newspaper said.
  2. The coalition, facing parliamentary elections next March, decided not to propose a reduction in jobless benefits and the ending of tax deductibility of union dues.
  3. One particularly important holdout is the United States, which has been withholding its dues since 1985, charging that the organization was anti-American.
  4. "You have to pay your dues.
  5. The skirmish over the Embassy building came on a measure sought by the administration that also would authorize spending $474 million to pay past-due dues to the United Nations.
  6. The United States' U.N. dues are more than $200 million a year, a quarter of the world body's regular budget.
  7. The union had challenged the Internal Revenue Service for taxing the $35 yearly dues, or fees, the union charges non-members who sign up for the health plan.
  8. A special master in the Beck case found that only 21% of the dues collected by the Communications Workers of America went for bargaining-related activities.
  9. "I don't know how we're going to cope financially," Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar said before receiving the prize money of $416,000 _ a fraction of the $450 million in dues owed by U.N. members.
  10. Madigan was seen by many as someone who has paid his dues as the senior Republican on the House Agriculture Committee and as an inside player on various GOP legislative initiatives.
  11. The Soviet Union says more of its U.N. staff members will become permanent civil servants, which addresses a problem the United States has cited in withholding dues payments.
  12. While the United States has been withholding dues and criticizing the United Nations, its Soviet rival has rediscovered the value of the organization and started paying its bills.
  13. Rich said Barrow's lack of political experience has hindered him from getting support from other politicians. "He hasn't paid his dues, and he's indicating that he isn't going to pay them," Rich said.
  14. Harry Beck sued his union, the Communication Workers of America, in 1976. After years of delaying tactics, the CWA finally admitted that only 21% of Mr. Beck's dues were spent on collective bargaining.
  15. Ohio's Edison program had to close one of its nine technology centers, for applied information technology, when member companies decided it wasn't worth their dues.
  16. "I wish that time could return." He still pays his monthly party dues of 24 cents, and still believes Deng is one of the greatest figures in Chinese history, despite his orders to crush the spring movement.
  17. Eastern will turn over to the union some $340,000 in dues collected from flight attendants working since the strike began.
  18. The first, which was the vessel's responsibility, was payment of port dues plus a local tax on freight.
  19. The dues that are eventually paid likely will be reduced by separate congressional budget cuts.
  20. The United States, which also owes $70 million in assessments for peacekeeping forces, has withheld its dues to try to force the United Nations to reform its budget, cut personnel and improve efficiency.
  21. The United States has withheld $44 million of the $144 million it allocated for dues in 1987 partly because it said Soviet U.N. personnel should be independent international civil servants. America's total assessment is 25 percent of the budget.
  22. Wilderness Scouts have no dues, uniforms or badges, but are active in conservation and service in the community.
  23. But it deprives non-religious groups of that designation if they have more than 400 members, provide regular meal service and regularly receive payment of member dues from non-members such as employers.
  24. A traditional farm wife and mom, Lois Schlickau paid her public service dues with the library board and 4-H kids, the Cow-belles and Hereford Auxiliary.
  25. Asked if the band had paid its dues, Dutton said: "I hope we never finish paying our dues, but I think our heads are in the right place right now, whether you want to call it paying your dues or not.
  26. Asked if the band had paid its dues, Dutton said: "I hope we never finish paying our dues, but I think our heads are in the right place right now, whether you want to call it paying your dues or not.
  27. Asked if the band had paid its dues, Dutton said: "I hope we never finish paying our dues, but I think our heads are in the right place right now, whether you want to call it paying your dues or not.
  28. The unions, however, have raised their dues to finance a war chest to resist management in contract negotiations, in arbitration hearings and in court.
  29. "I paid so many dues.
  30. This does not include domestic tourism which Dr Sultan estimates adds one-third to receipts, making the sector easily Egypt's largest money-earner, ahead of workers' remittances, oil and Suez Canal dues. All this activity is attracting new investors.
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