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 duffel ['dʌfəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 粗呢, 露营用具

    [ noun ]
    1. a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying personal belongings

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a coarse heavy woolen fabric

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Duffel \Duf"fel\, n. [D. duffel, from Duffel, a town not far
    from Antwerp.]
    1. A kind of coarse woolen cloth, having a thick nap or
    frieze. [Written also {duffle}.]

    Good duffel gray and flannel fine. -- Wordsworth.

    2. Outfit or suppplies, collectively; kit. [Colloq., U. S.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. Martini and Ms. Afdahl were arrested as they got into a taxi cab carrying a duffel bag.
    2. But in 1986, a pest exterminator found the duffel bag full of letters in an attic in Raleigh, N.C.
    3. The armored car's security escorts surrendered their two shotguns before opening rear doors to allow the robbers to scoop up several duffel bags.
    4. Laroche brought out some nice short minks and fur-lined suede duffel coats.
    5. Blassingame said he dumped clothing out of a duffel bag, put her body in it and headed south.
    6. Basile did keep the hemline down to only a couple of inches above the knee, but he concentrated more on sportswear than city life with plaid bermuda shorts, riding jackets and loads of gaily colored duffel coats.
    7. He forced another female employee to unlock the vault and had both workers fill a duffel bag with money.
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