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 dressy ['dresi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 衣着考究的

  1. They're a very dressy couple.
  2. You can't wear that to the reception it's not dressy enough.
  3. She has been more dressy since you came on the carpet.

dressier, dressiest
[ adj ]
in fancy clothing

Dressy \Dress"y\, a.
Showy in dress; attentive to dress.

A dressy flaunting maidservant. --T. Hook.

A neat, dressy gentleman in black. --W. Irving.

  1. I never leave it till the last minute because nothing will be left in my size. I plan what to take but our family lunch is sporty rather than dressy.
  2. At the time, the two countries were major foreign suppliers of everything from tennis sneakers to dressy pumps.
  3. Lagerfeld showed some wonderful hot-red tweeds heavily piped in red, white and blue galloon braiding along with dressy bright cashmere jackets with black chenille and gold baroque embroidery.
  4. He seems torn between the 1960s ingenue look and the l8th century of Marie-Antoinette, topping dressy, skimpy minis with big satin and taffeta embroidered pannier skirts.
  5. Even pants looked dressy, with their little velvet or irridescent taffeta vests and fitted jackets, plus flowered blouses.
  6. Things were a lot more feminine at Balenciaga, as the designer Michel Goma featured a lot of dressy evening wear.
  7. He then laid on a group of full trapeze-line mini-coats in a dressy new stiffened wool-faille fabric.
  8. "Nobody wants to call attention to themselves these days." If Mr. Flusser were designing the wardrobe for a remake of "Wall Street," he says the Gordon Gekko character would no longer wear the dressy looks that symbolized his wealth and power.
  9. For garden parties or dressy barbecues, the pretty flowered chiffon dresses or multicolored rainbow numbers had unsophisticated charm.
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