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 Dreyfus   添加此单词到默认生词本
德莱弗斯(①姓氏 ②Alfred, 1859-1935, 法国炮兵军官, 法国历史上著名冤案“德莱弗斯案件”的受害者)

    [ noun ]
    French army officer of Jewish descent whose false imprisonment for treason in 1894 raised issues of anti-Semitism that dominated French politics until his release in 1906 (1859-1935)

    1. "If anything, they're jumping up and down with joy," said Howard Stein, chairman of Dreyfus Corp.
    2. Phil Toia, a Dreyfus vice president, said the results reflect a "conscious decision" on the part of the company to accomplish a longer-range goal of increasing the size of its funds.
    3. Commenting in a telephone interview from Proctor-Silex headquarters in Richmond, Va., Dreyfus said the recalled models were made in 1985 and 1986 and have since been discontinued.
    4. In 1898, Emile Zola's famous defense of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, "J'accuse," was published in Paris.
    5. Asked about the speculation that Mr. Louis-Dreyfus has been hired to pave the way for a buy-out by the brothers, the executive replied, "That isn't the reason Dreyfus has been brought in.
    6. All are sponsored by Dreyfus Corp. and are initial public offerings.
    7. Their chairman, Dreyfus Corp. stock trader George Pirrone, wouldn't confirm the details.
    8. "There was a movement to go," says Stephen Solomon, an attorney for Dreyfus.
    9. Alfred Dreyfus, convicted of treason, was publicly stripped of his rank.
    10. On a black day for Degas and countless others, Dreyfus won a retrial in Rennes in 1899.
    11. Among the big stock funds, Dreyfus Fund, with more than $2 billion in assets, had a decline of just 1.49% for the week and a return of 21.42% for the year.
    12. How can Dreyfus and Fidelity do this?
    13. "The company that is really in the bind is one with between 25 and 100 employees, because it can't do an SAR-SEP right now," says Mary Barneby, president of the employee-benefit division of Dreyfus Corp.
    14. Frank Scaraggi, an executive vice president in charge of municipal bond trading and underwriting at Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., suggested that Dreyfus might try to top Nuveen's $1.58 billion figure.
    15. Only Fidelity Investments, Merrill Lynch & Co., Federated Research Corp. and Dreyfus Corp. are bigger.
    16. Just last month, a Bank of New York subsidiary agreed to buy the credit-card operation of Dreyfus Corp.'s Dreyfus Consumer Bank for $168 million, a transaction that is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
    17. Just last month, a Bank of New York subsidiary agreed to buy the credit-card operation of Dreyfus Corp.'s Dreyfus Consumer Bank for $168 million, a transaction that is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
    18. In reality, the asset-allocation recommendations individuals get from Shearson and Dreyfus pretty much stick with traditional stock, bond and cash investments.
    19. Fosback says the Worldwide Dollar fund, with a somewhat different investment policy, can be expected to outperform by at least a small margin its huge sister fund, Dreyfus Liquid Assets.
    20. Prices of shares of publicly traded management companies such as Dreyfus Corp. and Pioneer Group Inc. have rallied to within 25% of their 1987 highs, and the price on shares of Franklin Resources Inc. hit an all-time high this past April.
    21. New York-based Dreyfus said it introduced its gold MasterCard in October 1983, soon after it acquired Lincoln State Bank in East Orange, N.J., which it renamed the Dreyfus Consumer Bank.
    22. New York-based Dreyfus said it introduced its gold MasterCard in October 1983, soon after it acquired Lincoln State Bank in East Orange, N.J., which it renamed the Dreyfus Consumer Bank.
    23. One of these is Dreyfus Corp., the big New York mutual-fund group, which is one of the Feshbachs' biggest investors.
    24. As previously reported, Dreyfus, a mutual-fund concern, has said it is considering leaving its headquarters in the General Motors building in Manhattan.
    25. In 1982, Dreyfus bought Lincoln State Bank for $2.8 million and then sold the bank's commercial-loan portfolio.
    26. The stage was set for a sharp reversal of market sentiment. As Mr Richard Hoey, chief economist at fund group Dreyfus, explained: 'What we saw was a popping of the bubble of hysteria about accelerating inflation.'
    27. "It's a good probability that Dreyfus is going," he said.
    28. "It works like a clock," says Richard Hoey, chief economist at Dreyfus Corp.
    29. "No one in this office, the governor's office or the director of the Division of Registration's office had any prior knowledge" of the inquiry, Dreyfus said.
    30. (Dreyfus was ultimately vindicated.) In 1941, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrived in Washington for a wartime conference with President Roosevelt.
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