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 draughts [drɑ:fts]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 国际跳棋

  1. All draughts must be excluded from the room.
  2. Seal (up) the window to prevent draughts.
  3. Yes. When I was a little boy, I was fond of Chinese draughts and army chess.

[ noun ]
a checkerboard game for two players who each have 12 pieces; the object is to jump over and so capture the opponent's pieces

Draughts \Draughts\, n. pl.
A mild vesicatory. See {Draught}, n., 3
(c) .

Draughts \Draughts\, n. pl.
A game, now more commonly called {checkers}. See {Checkers}.

Note: {Polish draughts} is sometimes played with 40 pieces on
a board divided into 100 squares. --Am. Cyc.

Checkers \Check"ers\ (ch[e^]k"[~e]rz), n. pl. [See {Checher},
A game, called also {draughts}, played on a checkerboard by
two persons, each having twelve men (counters or checkers)
which are moved diagonally. The game is ended when either of
the players has lost all his men, or can not move them.

  1. RUSH OUT and buy an Elizabethan property now and you will be well insulated from draughts, have electricity points galore and also get the nearest thing to a cost-price building that you will see this side of the end of the century.
  2. Homes built during the reign of the present Queen's ancestral namesake come with built-in draughts and cost a great deal more to buy and run.
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