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 draughtsman ['dræftsmən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 起草人, 打样人, 制图员, (正式)制图能手

  1. The painting she was working on was a good, vigorous action picture; if anything, I think she was a better draughtsman than a painter.
  2. The draughtsman rapidly blocked out his idea.
  3. The painting she was working on was a good, vigorous action picture; if anything, I think she was a better draughtsman than a painter.

[ noun ]
a skilled worker who draws plans of buildings or machines

Draughtsman \Draughts"man\, n.; pl. {Draughtsmen}.
1. One who draws pleadings or other writings.

2. One who draws plans and sketches of machinery, structures,
and places; also, more generally, one who makes drawings
of any kind.

3. A ``man'' or piece used in the game of draughts.

4. One who drinks drams; a tippler. [Obs.] --Tatler.

  1. Few artists catch the life and movement, the very spirit of the party with such wit and light dexterity. Geoffrey Humphries is another remarkable draughtsman of the figure, which remains his principal subject, in life-painting and portraiture.
  2. It may be established by an analysis of style - the 'handwriting' of a draughtsman - or, when possible, by association with a known painting, which depends on extraordinary knowledge and visual memory.
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