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 dramatically [drә'mætikli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 戏剧地, 引人注目地, 突然地

  1. The story begins dramatically but the plot peters out before the end.
  2. Accounting and banking have changed dramatically in the light of recent developments in computers.
  3. This, too, has changed dramatically.

[ adv ]
  1. in a very impressive manner

  2. <adv.all>
    your performance will improve dramatically
  3. in a dramatic manner

  4. <adv.all>
    he confessed dramatically
  5. with respect to dramatic value

  6. <adv.all>
    the play was dramatically interesting, but the direction was bad

Dramatically \Dra*mat"ic*al*ly\, adv.
In a dramatic manner; theatrically; vividly.

  1. The number of people with AIDS will grow dramatically as those who were infected throughout the 1980s fall sick.
  2. Rats getting nicotine gain weight more slowly than ordinary rats; when the nicotine is stopped, their weight shoots up dramatically.
  3. The pace of immigration has already risen dramatically in the last few months, Dinitz noted.
  4. New drilling methods can dramatically limit any environmental disruption and render it temporary.
  5. Gold and energy prices rose dramatically after Panama's latest declaration of hostility against the United States; livestock and meat futures advanced; grains and soybeans were mixed.
  6. You just had to produce it and the car was sold.' In the second half of 1992, however, 'things changed dramatically', he says. 'Social and economic conditions changed.
  7. In a similar vein to the stock market argument, deficit apologists attribute high real interest rates and dramatically higher foreign borrowing to the increased profitability of capital brought about by the Reagan policies.
  8. One appeared to improve dramatically after removal of her silicone-gel implants, even though the disease is widely thought to be irreversible, Dr. Patten noted.
  9. 'The headline came out at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon in Europe on a day in which there had been very little trading so the market reacted dramatically.' In the morning the US currency had attempted to retrieve losses made earlier in the week.
  10. Industrial relations has dramatically improved and the labour market is more flexible.
  11. The current tolerant public mood toward Bush's gulf policy could change dramatically if Bush goes to war without satisfying the American people that peaceful alternatives had been exhausted.
  12. The odds have increased dramatically in recent days, administration insiders say.
  13. In any given year 20% of beneficiaries will benefit from the legislation; and as an individual grows older, the likelihood that he or she will need these benefits increases dramatically.
  14. Its numbers have declined dramatically as two-thirds of its habitat has been destroyed from years of intense logging.
  15. Third-quarter earnings improved dramatically because of investment income and increased operating income in all divisions, including $5.1 million from Facet Enterprises Inc., a filtration products company acquired in May 1988.
  16. However, three months after the Bender partnership bought the building, the administration told Congress that its plans had changed dramatically.
  17. In any case, the era ended in violence, as the ripped lock of one of Metternich's briefcases on display here dramatically demonstrates.
  18. LATVIA _ Sandwiched between its two Baltic neighbors and bordered on the east by Russia and Byelorussia, Latvia dramatically shows the influence of the Russian influx feared by Baltic militants.
  19. 'But this will change dramatically when Russian plants pay true economic prices for their inputs and their natural inefficiency shows through,' he adds.
  20. The 1989 ceiling of 19,500 Vietnamese entrants compares with 7,000 last year. "Thus movements out of Vietnam will increase dramatically over those of last year," said Moore.
  21. With a small to medium-sized investment ($1,000 to $4,000) for a special projector, a personal computer can be turned into a large-screen "intelligent chalkboard" that can dramatically change the texture and effectiveness of a meeting.
  22. "The Arab order as they've known it and as we've known it has changed dramatically," says Judith Kipper, a Middle East analyst at the Brookings Institution.
  23. Mr. Dahl is understood to have widened the investigation dramatically by testifying about an arrangement under which Mr. Milken allegedly helped a favored client, Columbia Savings & Loan Association, violate tax laws.
  24. "As long as the stock market remains depressed, the potential for a recession has increased dramatically while the outlook for interest rates has improved immeasurably," Mr. Gross said.
  25. "While the nature of MCorp has been altered dramatically, a solid healthy core remains," said MCorp Chairman Gene H. Bishop.
  26. If adopted, it could dramatically reduce the power of Gorbachev's government.
  27. Blum, however, said that the total bill could go much higher if: _Interest rates do not fall dramatically, as the administration predicts.
  28. The government said the nation's trade deficit narrowed dramatically during the first three months of the year as an all-time high in U.S. export sales offset a climb in imports.
  29. With the other two actresses narrating dramatically and playing children peeking through a back window, Ain't Baby delivers a breech-birth baby.
  30. Other companies are in special situations that are dramatically affected by the war.
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